首页 / 词典 / good


  • v.里尔;耷拉;使…垂下
  1. He demanded that Lill find a job .


  2. In 1922 , with English as her second language and limited education and skills , the future didn 't look bright for Lill .


  3. On her second attempt , Lill got through a full paragraph , but still made many mistakes .


  4. As the days passed , Lill continued to ride and her father continued to ask about her job-hunting .


  5. Lill looked at the clock and saw that it was 11:40 a.m. Everyone would be leaving for lunch at noon .


  6. Walked up the long flight of stairs to the Carhartt Company offices . Cautiously , Lill knocked on her very first door .


  7. In her broken English , Lill told her she was interested in the secretarial position , falsely stating that she was19 .


  8. Her father would ask , " Any luck today , Lill ? " " No ... no luck today , Dad , " she would respond meekly .


  9. Before their visits , according to Lill and Sgambati , the children often have no idea that there 's a stream near their school , much less have visited it .


  10. At the age of16 , her father thought " Lill has had enough schooling ," and she was forced to drop out4 of school to contribute to5 the family income .


  11. Margaret sat her down at a typewriter and said , " Lill , let 's see how good you really are . " She directed Lill to type a single letter , and then left .


  12. Lill indicates on the map how Sligo Creek leads to the Anacostia River then to the Potomac , which eventually dumps to the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean .


  13. She came directly over to Lill , putting one hand on the desk and the other on the girl 's shoulder . She read the letter and paused . Then she said , " Lill , you 're doing good work ! "


  14. She guided Lill through the old business office of the Carhartt Company . With rows and rows of people seated at rows and rows of typewriters and adding machines , Lill felt as if a hundred pairs of eyes were staring at her .


  15. On one of her trips , Lill saw a sign at the Carhartt Overall Company in downtown Detroit . " Help Wanted , " the sign said , " Secretarial . Apply Within . " She walked up the long flight of stairs to the Carhartt Company offices . Cautiously , Lill knocked on her very first door .
