miss an opportunity

美 [mɪs ən ˌɑːpərˈtuːnəti]英 [mɪs ən ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti]
  • 错过机会;错过时机
miss an opportunitymiss an opportunity
  1. Please don 't miss an opportunity .


  2. If you 're searching for ways to grow your business , you don 't want to miss an opportunity to evaluate marketing tactics that will put you on the super-highway to success .


  3. She never miss an opportunity of be kind to him .


  4. You never miss an opportunity to play the victim .


  5. I hate to miss an opportunity because I didn 't ask .


  6. Others find passion in art and never miss an opportunity to check out the latest exhibition .


  7. Miss an opportunity , don 't want to lose the second-time opportunity .


  8. The problem now is : do you want to lose money or do you want to miss an opportunity .


  9. If you have trouble keeping a conversation going , you might miss an opportunity to get to know a great person .


  10. I don 't miss an opportunity to build nostalgic-to-be memories , he says .


  11. Sometimes it & rsquo ; s for the best that we miss an opportunity .


  12. Never miss an opportunity to make someone you love happy , even if you have to leave him alone in order to do it .


  13. If you always try to hide emotions like sadness or anger , you 'll miss an opportunity for healthy bonding 。


  14. Typos and other careless mistakes can cause you to miss an opportunity , no matter how minor they may seem to you .


  15. All of which has led the foreign press and her own handlers to rarely miss an opportunity to call her the Oprah of China .


  16. But while these companies do not want to miss an opportunity to capitalize on the film , they don 't want to overestimate demand , either .


  17. If you fail to relate a specific example , you not only don 't answer the question , but you also miss an opportunity to prove your ability and talk about your skills .


  18. Yet , when used in isolation , they can leave senior leaders unfulfilled – and miss an important opportunity for aligning Agile to fundamental objectives .


  19. Let 's take helping Miss Wang as an opportunity to recite Earth Store Bodhisattva 's name earnestly and sincerely .
