miss a chance

美 [mɪs ə tʃæns]英 [mɪs ə tʃɑːns]
  • 错过机会
miss a chancemiss a chance
  1. Because you 're always thought of in a very special way , sure wouldn 't miss a chance like this to tell you so today , Happy Birthday !


  2. I never miss a chance to play football .


  3. I never miss a chance of playing football .


  4. I try not to miss a chance to see American culture --


  5. He won 't miss a chance to get his hands on me .


  6. You never miss a chance to learn .


  7. If you 're a businessman , you may miss a chance .


  8. A.They never miss a chance of playing basketball .


  9. In paintball , you should never miss a chance to be a hero .


  10. Mr Besancenot does not miss a chance to side with strikers .


  11. Hot Shanghai summer is coming , so don 't miss a chance to taste our new white wines as well as some well tested and tasted ones !


  12. Oh-ho . He wouldn 't miss a chance to let off his Whizpoppers . He 'll give us quite a show , you 'll see . -


  13. Sometimes when you 're all wrapped up in your own head , doing the things that you are determined to do , you miss a chance to connect with other people .


  14. At the same time a woman will never miss a chance to count the number of times a man sleeks or bristles up his hair during the conversation .


  15. The global village might seem an overused clich é, but it is still a very foreign idea to most immigration officials who rarely miss a chance to make travel more complicated .


  16. Now , this year , we gather in the midst of a heated election season . And Axelrod tells me I should never miss a chance to re introduce myself to the American people .


  17. Daniel : If we don 't tell her , nobody will know . I would never miss a good chance like that .


  18. We might not be that young , but why give a miss to a chance for pulling up a great prank and getting a few laughs !


  19. Each time we need to resubmit a job , we miss out on a chance to use resources effectively .


  20. Parents who yell may miss out on a chance to teach children to regulate their emotions , ' she says .


  21. ' Parents who yell may miss out on a chance to teach children to regulate their emotions , ' she says .


  22. By not opening up earlier , she says , they miss out on a chance to garner support & or even just a little reassurance that others have been there , too .
