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  1. His maner of speaking suggests his friendliness and competence .


  2. Through investigating and studying the decoration technique of Chang 's manor , we analyzed the architectural decoration languages in the maner .


  3. This unconscious attentional bias probably evolved to help men and women stay in monogamous relation ­ ships , which in humans tend to have a reproductive advantage , Maner explains :


  4. Maner , however , took subjects who were married or living together monoga ­ mously and asked half of them to write about feelings of love for their partner and the other half to write about a happy experience .


  5. Psychologist Jon Maner of Florida State University and his colleagues flashed pictures of faces on a computer screen for half a second , following it immediately with a square or circle , which participants had to identify by pushing the correct button .


  6. As a 2012 study by Sarah Ainsworth and Jon Maner of Florida State University found , ' inducing mating goals ' in men made them more likely in a competitive game to punish the opposing guy with loud blasts of noise .
