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English historian noted for his works on the history of English law (1850-1906)
Synonym: Frederic William Maitland


  1. The world I was coming out of - university life - was quite relaxed , says Mr Maitland .


  2. Professor Maitland warns : You need enough pressure , but not too high a pressure that will fracture the rock formation .


  3. With the rest of the sports news , over to Colin Maitland .


  4. How Ms Maitland gets to that point is a long story ;


  5. Maureen Maitland is a vice president at Standard and Poor 's , which helped produce the study .


  6. Wittenberg-Cox and Maitland suggest that companies define the business case and involve executive committee members to debate their analysis .


  7. Wearisome as this topic has become , Mr Maitland achieves nothing by skirting it .


  8. Maitland , the auctioneer , put up a pair of vases late that afternoon .


  9. Mr Maitland says that managers who can build camaraderie in a team or department inevitably have improved chances of success .


  10. But avivah wittenberg-cox and Alison Maitland clearly want to avoid this dead end .


  11. In this authorised biography , Alexander Maitland adds a little colour to the picture , but no important details .


  12. From Maitland they drove down to Sydney .


  13. We have consciously and deliberately set about forging direct and vetted relationships with brokers in the luxury market in cities all over the globe , Ms. Maitland said .


  14. In A Book of Silence , the writer Sara Maitland discovered that silence is " not an absence of sound but the presence of something that is not sound " .


  15. With the expanding influences of the Historical School of Law , there appears Maine , Maitland , and Carter as the representative of the advanced Historical School of Law in the nineteenth century .


  16. It was there , reading the sayings of the desert fathers and Athanasius 's " Life of St Anthony ", that Ms Maitland found herself most strangely moved .


  17. In the 1980s , says Mr Maitland , a short service commission was viewed almost as the equivalent of a degree , whereas now a degree - and a good one - is essential for a City career .


  18. Maitland said It 's the most exciting thing I have seen in10 years , but we don 't want to give people false hope , because the therapies for treating tumour stem cells have still to be developed .


  19. In this paper , the discussion is extended to the general laser in which the transverse and the longitudinal distribution of light intensity are all nonuniform , and the linewidth formula of laser light , which has been shown by Townes , Maitland , is revised .


  20. In contrast with the protocol provided by Maitland , not only the modular computation overhead and traffic in ours are reduced dramatically , but also the length of signature becomes even shorter , thus ours protocol is more suitable for constructing e-cash payment than Maitland ' s.


  21. Global instability is a key driver of demand here , and while there has been an increase in supply to satisfy demand , " we are still at an absorption rate of almost half of what is considered normal in New York City , " said Wendy Maitland , the president of sales at Town Residential .
