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  • 网络人民币实际有效汇率;实际有效汇率;实质有效汇率;实质有效汇率指数;实际汇率
  1. If the REER of RMB continued to appreciate , it will further expand the trade deficit in Jiangsu agricultural trade .


  2. In the long run , 1 % appreciation of RMB REER would lead to 0.148555 % fall of GDP in QD .


  3. China 's Trade Balance , Trade Structure and Real Effective Exchange Rate ( REER ) of RMB


  4. Secondly , reer fluctuation promotes the development of foreign trade which in turn effects the industrial structure .


  5. Unit-Labor-Cost-Based REER is often used to evaluate a country 's International Competitiveness .


  6. Practice and Research of Psychological Counseling for Underachievers Reer Counseling Technique in Mental Health Education in School


  7. The Relationship Analysis between REER Volatility and Import & Export Trade during the Period of Reform and Openness in China


  8. The paper calculates the Real Effective Exchange Rate ( REER ) of RMB from 1978 according to the method that IMF recommends .


  9. The results show that , the volatility of REER has no significant impact on either the aggregate export or exports by commodities .


  10. This paper analyzed the influence of RMB real effective exchange rate ( REER ) to Chinese enterprises ' import and export activities with a co-integration testing method .


  11. Granger cause shows REER is the cause of only IMCI , Variance Decomposition and Impulse Responses prove the result of Granger .


  12. Basic economic factors such as term of trade , openning-up affect REER of RMB more markedly than fiscal policy , monetary policy and foreign exchange reserve ;


  13. Grow at top speed with the economy of Chongqing , the growth by a large margin appears too in the Reer , Fdi is increased progressively year by year too .


  14. RMB can modify misalignment by itself and pegging to a basket currency can reflect the fluctuation of REER of RMB preferably .


  15. The paper classifies China 's foreign trade goods into nine categories based on the SITC , and inspects the relationship between the REER and other real economic factors and China 's foreign trade .


  16. In this paper , through theoretical analysis , correlation analysis and empirical analysis , from qualitative and quantitative point of view , a detailed analysis between the REER of RMB and exports of agricultural products trade in Shandong Province .


  17. An Analysis on the Interaction Effect between Real Interest Rate and Real Effective Exchange Rate of RMB ; The Effects of the Level and Variability of RMB REER on Employment : An Empirical Study based on the East Provincial Panel Data


  18. Since a good while , studies on the relationship between China 's foreign trade and REER of RMB have been only focused on that between China 's trade balance and REER of RMB . It is not complete .


  19. In terms of volatility , the volatility of REER impacts the inflow of FDI to textile industry , pharmaceutical and chemical industry , equipment manufacturing industry positively , but for services industry and real estate industry negatively .


  20. This dissertation chooses effective exchange rate of RMB ( REER ) as the main analyzing object , using quantitative economics theory , makes research on the FDI effect and foreign trade structure effect under the RMB exchange rate change in empirical way .


  21. The empirical study show that there does exist a cointegration relationship between the REER and the selected two fundamentals comprising Difference of CPIs ( DFCPI ) and US Dollar Index ( USDI ) .


  22. The appreciation of reer of Rupee boosts the proportion of secondary industry in GDP and employment , but will give negative effection on the tertiary industry on the short term while still have positive effet on the long term .
