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  • 网络马斯;马斯河
  1. Mrs Maas has enrolled her daughter in the Ballet class .


  2. Results One MH was entrapped by two MAAs in methanol through hydrogen bond .


  3. An Analysis of Harby Maas 's Concept of Communicative Behavior


  4. The determination of MSAs / MAAs has important implication for clinical diagnosis and treatment of PM and DM .


  5. Mr Maas said : In the end it relates to how transparent the algorithms are that Google uses to rank its search results .


  6. UV-B radiation induced the synthesis of MAAs ( triphenyl imidazole amino acid ) in N. commune cells .


  7. MaaS based on elapsed CPU time determines the actual usage of each request and is consolidated at the end of each month .


  8. MaaS and billing and metering services


  9. This paper is aimed at enriching the research fields of MAAs compounds and providing scientific evidences for the industrialized application of MAAs compounds .


  10. Justice Minister Heiko Maas called on Germans " to fight radicalism , regardless of where it comes from . "


  11. Mr Maas said Google 's general web search service has a market share of more than 90 per cent in the EU , compared with 68 per cent in the US .


  12. MAAs include anti-Ku-72 antibody , anti-Ku-86 antibody and anti-PM-Scl antibody and so on .


  13. The mechanism of physiological acclimatization involves the xanthophyll cycle , fluorescent coral pigments , oxidative enzymes , MAAs and heat shock proteins ( Hsps ) .


  14. According to a study by Jim Maas , PhD , professor of psychology at Cornell University , combining coffee and napping time can have a big improvement in ones personal productivity .


  15. Harby maas put forward his communicative Behavior Theory with communication behavior as its core . The life world is the basis for forming macroscopic social theories and an essential idea to further improve communicative behavior theories .


  16. For example , Database as a Service ( DaaS ) and Monitoring as a Service ( MaaS ) are being leveraged from SaaS providers and gaining traction for cloud computing and SaaS IT-focused companies .


  17. Mr Maas said : " In the end it relates to how transparent the algorithms are that Google uses to rank its search results . When a search engine has such an impact on economic development , this is an issue we have to address . "


  18. It was found that there are MAAs only in Porphyra yezoensis and Gracilaria chilensis among six kinds of alga . The content of MAAs in Porphyra yezoensis is higher than in Gracilaria chilensis .


  19. Meeting with German foreign minister Heiko Maas at Ramstein Air Base in Germany , Blinken acknowledged that planes chartered to bring Americans , their families and at-risk Afghans out of the country have been stuck at Mazar-i-Sharif international airport in Afghanistan .


  20. Asked how the U.S and Germany will deal with Afghanistan 's new interim government whose Interior Minister is wanted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation , German foreign minister Heiko Maas said he was not optimistic about the caretaker Taliban government but added he has to talk with them .
