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  • 网络麦琪;梅吉;美琪
  1. Mum told me Meggie was sent home in disgrace .


  2. Meggie followed the dwindling forms of her brothers at a run .


  3. Everyone except little Meggie had been uncomfortable about it , his mother especially .


  4. Meggie would enrich the postal service with letters every day , at least to dane .


  5. Behind the barn Bob broke the news to Meggie .


  6. Everywhere Meggie looked was a blaze of color .


  7. Meggie asked idly , flat on her stomach on the carpet reading a book .


  8. " Dane was your son too ," said Meggie .


  9. " You look good on a soapbox , luke ," said Meggie ironically .


  10. " Dane is dead ," said Meggie .


  11. Meggie 's sorrow she kept exclusively to herself .


  12. Jack and Hughie got hold of the doll before poor Meggie had a chance to see it properly .


  13. " You hit the nail on the head ," said Meggie , in no mood to be comforted .


  14. Meggie was so against a fuss she even refused to wear bridal regalia .


  15. And undoubtedly the four female characters ( Fee , Mary , Meggie and Justine ) of this novel have mainly been their researching focus .


  16. She put her knife on the table and stared at Frank and Meggie , the corners of her beautiful mouth turning down .


  17. Finally Fee beckoned Meggie to sit on a high stool , and did up her hair in its nightly rags .


  18. As an obedient woman , Meggie suffers a lot from society , religion and marriage , but is always unable to get the happiness she wants .


  19. Meggie smiled , taking the little silver collapsible cup of champagne Luke gave her , and biting into a ham sandwich .


  20. " My favourite name , meghann . " he straightened , but held meggie 's hand in his .


  21. As for Meggie , she was incapable of equating Teresa 's beaming , portly little mother with her own slender unsmiling mother .


  22. The Thorn Birds and The Scarlet Letter depict two similar women images , Meggie and Hester Prynne , both of whom live in British colonies and would search for love at any cost .


  23. However , although Meggie dedicates her life to love , what she gains is just a tragedy ; although the Western women go all out for their faith , they are always deeply hurt by the cost of great pain .


  24. The Thorn Birds , by Colleen McCullough , has promulgated the most elated and the most heartrending thing & love in the world through Meggie and Ralph s love story .
