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  • 网络变长数组;甚大天线阵;甚大阵;大鼠迟现抗原;中提琴
  1. The test results show that the overall VLA of the subjects is rather low ;


  2. The new variable-length array ( VLA ) feature is partially available .


  3. Improving the students ? On the basis of the findings , the authors offers relevant suggestions on improving the VLA .


  4. VLA observations and observe program


  5. A special study was placed to the national " 863 " project in2006in order to research the key techniques about design and installation of VLA .


  6. For water absorption unit , the operating parameters include absorbent temperature , VLA gas temperature and concentration , the absorption liquid recycle position , reflux ratio and reflux temperature .


  7. As the Knowledge Innovation project deeply proceeding , more and more chinese astronomer observe and study with the Very Large Array ( VLA ), Observe is widely used in China .


  8. If you enter text vla a key board , then each time you depress a key , the binary digit code associated with that key is transmitted to the microcomputer .


  9. When it turns to the 21st century , with the development of virtual logistics , a fresh configuration composed of strategic alliance and virtual logistics is produced , which is so-called virtual logistics alliance ( VLA ) .


  10. By using the spectrum observation data obtained from three VLBI observatories in the U. S. , the clock differences of hydrogen masers in NRAO and HRAS are calculated related to the VLA maser .


  11. The author believes that the volume of lexical acquisition ( VLA ) is an important index for evaluating the level of Chinese acquisition and that it should become one of the key criteria for textbook writing , textbook selection and classroom language teaching .


  12. Vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 ( VCAM - 1 ) is a member of immunoglobulin superfamily . The principal ligand for VCAM - 1 is integrin α 4 | β 1 / VLA - 4 ( very late antigen 4 ) .
