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  • 可靠性;【法】外国国籍
  1. Therefore punctua - lity is of great importance for every one of us .


  2. Lity Control and Analyses of GPS Location Survey


  3. A Research on the National Lity of Northeastern Chinese Koreans


  4. In this paper , we introduce the data analysis used in qua - lity management and the procedure and method for constructing the frequency histogram through the practical examples .


  5. The virtu  ̄ lity technology is not only the peak of the multi medium technology , but also the last fortress of the man & machine interface technology .


  6. Correct application of the strengthening agents according to the properties of materials , the qua lity and purpose of products is a key technique for production of bread flour .


  7. A distributed link-based IP paging method is proposed to enhance the scalability and flexibi - ( lity ) of traditional IP paging .


  8. Recently , its favour dwindled as groundwater & a generally high-qu a lity , naturally distributed source that offered economies of scale , became popular .


  9. Moreover , the drive of 1-wire net to be further improved by using the higher q μΑ lity cables , the load capacity still has the possibility to be much more improved .


  10. Also The growth rate , restraint of algae and dry matter of 4 plants were investigated , and the ( possibi - )( lity ) of application of native species was explored .


  11. A Sword of Psychological Realism Penetrating through Social Rea lity & a discussion on the typical shaping of psychological realism in Stefan Zweig 's short stories and nouvelles


  12. The potentia - lity for prediction of earthquake , measurement of dam deformation and adjust - ment of particle accelarators are analyzed , effects of generalized relativistic temporal-spatial bending on aligning light beam are discussed .


  13. This paper analyzes the stability of centrifugal regulator for windmills It point out that , aerodynamic moment acting on the blades is a significant factor influencing the stabi & lity of the whole system , which can not be neglected .
