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  • 网络礼记;里脊;骊姬
  1. The Liji Documents of Song Dynasty has precious value of Documents and important value of learning .


  2. The rites described in Liji , especially those about the arrangement of social organizations , are much better than the Western idea of etiquette , which is comparatively rough .


  3. They were first mentioned in writing in Liji ( The Book of Rites ) , a work compiled some 2 000 years ago .


  4. LiJi 's paintings of the female figure elaborate on the moment of fascination that makes the body appear as an object of desire .


  5. Mukence watershed is located in the East Rift Valley and belongs to the Liji Mudstone area with more complex and unfavorable geologic conditions and weak stratum .


  6. A series of offerings in sacrifices mentioned in the Liji shows that the different items offered were linked by the way they were ( or were not ) cooked according to who the different recipients were .
