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  • abbr.库构筑工具包(Library Construction Kit)
  1. Effect of IL-2 on Lck expression in renal tubular epithelial cells


  2. Investigation of lck on IL 12 signal transduction in tubular epithelial cells


  3. Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Evidence of Direct Interaction Between PKC ε and Lck in vivo


  4. Role of lck / p38 signaling pathways in murine renal tubular epithelial cells


  5. Objective To investigate the effect of lck pathway activation on IL 12 signal transduction of the tubular epithelial cells .


  6. Association between the polymorphisms of lymphocyte-specific protein tyrosine kinase ( LCK ) gene and AD


  7. The research shows that Lck plays a very important role in mediating TCR signal transduction and the development , differentiation , proliferation and activation of T cells .


  8. Through comparing with the primary sequence of Lck amino acid in species of different stages from lower to higher level , the phylogenetic tree has been constructed based on neighbouring and other methods .


  9. Results : The tumor volume and cell load were all differential significantly in each gade of WHO response . The relation between the WHO criteria and the LCK has been defined .


  10. Aim To investigate whether there is IL-12 signaling pathway through lck / p38 / c - jun in splenic cells obtained from lupus mouse and its effect on splenic cells .


  11. The objective of this study was to investigate the correlation of WHO criteria with the tumor volume , the tumor cell load and the LCK ; and the necessity developing a method to measure LCK quantitatively .


  12. Lck kinase is a member of the Src family of non-receptor protein tyrosine kinases , which is expressed primarily in T lymphocytes and plays an important role in T cell activation and development .


  13. An agent inhibiting lck would block T cell function effectively . Act as an immunosuppressive agent , it has potential utility in autoimmune diseases , the transplant rejection , allergic diseases as well as cancers .


  14. Objective : The objective of this experiment was to construct recombinant adenoviral vector expressing antisense RNA to Lck gene , and investigate its effect on Lck protein expression in renal tubule epithelial cells ( TEC ) .


  15. Conclusion : WHO response criteria can not determine the tumor volume , the cell load as well as the LCK . A new method evaluating LCK quantitatively has been proposed and it may be interconverted with WHO response criteria .


  16. Conclusion IL-12 , IL-2 and LPS may promote lck gene express in renal tubular epithelial cells and only IL-12 can induce p38 phosphorylation through lck uniquely , and they can play biologic role in renal tubular epithelial cells via lck / p38 signaling pathways .
