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larger than life

美 [ˈlɑrdʒər ðæn laɪf]英 [ˈlɑːdʒə ðæn laɪf]
  • 夸张的;超群的;夸大的
larger than lifelarger than life
  1. He 's a larger than life character .


  2. Throughout his career he 's always been a larger than life character .


  3. Larry Ellison is a prime choice for such lampooning because-married , thrice-divorced multimillionaire is larger than life .


  4. " He 's just a little larger than life ," right ?


  5. But I find her a little larger than life .


  6. You 're larger than life !


  7. I want to get a larger than life poster of Tom Cruise .


  8. I felt larger than life when I was with erica .


  9. In status-conscious China , symbolism and protocol play a role that is larger than life .


  10. She 's outgoing , vivacious – larger than life .


  11. Many of us grow up with role models from the silver screen , and often those heroes are larger than life .


  12. Making aspects of the motion " larger than life " more clearly communicates the idea of the action to the audience .


  13. She knew now the triviality of those passions which art paints so much larger than life .


  14. Washington is known as the father of his country and is one of those larger than life historical figures who are known around the world .


  15. While you still need irrational focus on customers for your product , you and your company now need to be everywhere and look larger than life .


  16. Larger than life milk jug spotted at the Metrodome stadium in downtown Minneapolis , Minnesota , USA.


  17. Still , when you compare them to the larger than life salaries of the Game of Throne actors , the Stranger Things cast still has a ways to go .


  18. Male : Live on the stage , larger than life . Commercial radio station 1 . We miss you forever , the pop legend , Anita Mui .


  19. His mind , vulgar in its effort at refinement , saw everything a little larger than life size , with the outlines , in a golden mist of .


  20. In her memory , Mary was a larger than life character & noisy , very friendly , and always joking and was noted for her largesse at that time .


  21. Sometimes I think people invest their careers with the same mythology they do their love lives & the great passion , the career that got away , now looms larger than life .


  22. Generous and larger than life , you 're not sure why someone would decorate her apartment in an all-beige color scheme when purple leopard-spotted wallpaper is available .


  23. I 'm going to show you a very quick clip to show you how I painted and a little bit about my city , Bangalore . ( Music ) They had to be larger than life .


  24. The larger than life unemployed bride-to-be told Inside Edition : ' Oh , he 's wonderful . He loves to cook . That helps out . His food is soooo good . '


  25. This sculpture , massive and iconic as it is , will remind them of Dr. King 's strength , but to see him only as larger than life would do a disservice to what he taught us about ourselves .


  26. Of course fantasy is the stuff of bright colors and being larger than real life , so my Wall is bigger and considerably longer and more magical .


  27. to ideas which are larger than his individual life ,
