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  • 网络邻苯二甲酸氢钾;韩国直升机项目;通用直升机;科海培中技术有限责任公司
  1. In order to prove the reliability of the modified method for COD measurement , two methods are used to get the COD values of KHP standard solutions .


  2. Leave the stopper off of the weighing bottle until the first time the desiccator is opened after the KHP has cooled .


  3. Third is the opertion mode and details of the monitoring system described from five aspects : KHP . KIP , load limit , stress simulation calculation , stress monitoring and thermal calculation .


  4. A kinetic spectrophotometry for determining trace vanadium in environment has been established , which is based on the catalytic effect of vanadium on the oxidation of o ─ phenlonediamine with potassium bromate in the presence of activator pyrocatechol in KHP ─ HCl buffer solution .
