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  • 网络内部;自身的
  1. BV could design inhouse training according to your requirements .


  2. Ge is hiring a team of 20 inhouse investment bankers for its Shanghai office to find companies to buy in China and negotiate the deals .


  3. Especially , we will increase investment inhouse construction .


  4. Wait until they meet puppy co 's certified inhouse childcare expert


  5. The company also runs chatrooms , in which employees can question various inhouse experts and outside analysts live on the corporate intranet .


  6. There are very few times where it 's worth the hassle of setting up and maintaining something like this inhouse in my opinion .


  7. Banks are turning to independent companies to provide lunches in peripheral offices where inhouse catering was removed while cost-cutting during the downturn .


  8. Responsibilies : coordinating the designers , contractors , and government authorities , budgeting and controlling cost , supervising the inhouse construction project team .


  9. To tend this community , Kopelman relies on an inhouse staff of eight people who designed and built the platform and help to maintain it both online and off .


  10. It would stop the Big Four from being able to draw on inhouse expertise and attract young recruits who train as auditors and then switch to more exciting work , without clear benefits .


  11. At first glance , they may look like rivals to private banks : who needs an external wealth manager if you have your own inhouse dedicated office serving such needs as tax planning , will writing and even , in some cases , helping you to buy art ?
