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(Greek mythology) son of Daedalus;while escaping from Crete with his father (using the wings Daedalus had made) he flew too close to the sun and the wax melted and he fell into the Aegean and drowned


  1. There is a famous Greek myth in which Icarus flew too near to the Sun .


  2. It is the first game in the Kid Icarus series .


  3. A Study of the Scientific Value of the Asteroid Icarus Laser Ranging


  4. At first Icarus was obedient and followed close behind his father .


  5. Research and Implementation on the Environment of Parallel and Distributed Simulation Which Based on Open Source Simulator Icarus Verilog


  6. With your permission , I 'd like to take the Icarus and search for him .


  7. The study is in the journal Icarus .


  8. The Icarus Syndrome : A History of American Hubris .


  9. Icarus disobeyed his father 's instructions and began soaring towards the sun .


  10. Like Icarus , many American homeowners are now paying the price of their disdain for gravity .


  11. Icarus flew too close to his son .


  12. Icarus can now run tests under the debugger with just one click of the " Debug " button .


  13. The Icarus Paradox existing in the development of a firm makes it very difficult for the firm to fit the rapidly changing environment .


  14. Icarus : The Sisters will not allow you , a fallen god to bathe in their light !


  15. To win the competition an firm has to break through the limit of the " Icarus Paradox " and develop its organizational fitness .


  16. Daedalus and his son Icarus were prisoners on the island of crete .


  17. Nor is " The Icarus Syndrome " merely a recitation of misbegotten interventions .


  18. Seeing this , Daedalus and Icarus would long for freedom and wish they might sail away and never see the island of Crete again .


  19. In Greek mythology , the boy Icarus flew too close to the sun and the wax holding his feathered wings together melted .


  20. If you 're constantly pushing yourself higher , higher the law of averages not to mention the Myth of Icarus predicts that you will at some point fall .


  21. Although it would limp on for a number of years more , Friendster was clearly destined to be a tale like Icarus , not Sir Edmund Hillary .


  22. High-flyers risk the fate of Icarus , the original high-flyer of the Greek myth , whose wings came apart when he flew too close to the sun .


  23. But I 've never seen the Icarus story as a lesson about the limitations of humans . I see it as a lesson about the limitations of wax as an adhesive .


  24. If humans put on artificial wings to fly , we might become Titanian versions of the Icarus story-our wings could freeze , fall apart , and send us tumbling to our deaths .


  25. The last chapter , " Icon or Icarus ? , " looks at the future of Alibaba , which has not had a particularly smooth ride from investors since it went public in 2014 .


  26. But based on images arriving from various spacecraft , the consensus among scientists appeared to be that ISON , like the mythical Icarus , didn 't survive its close encounter with the sun .


  27. Just as Icarus saw his wings of wax melt as he flew too close to the sun , so Mr Lula is risking his legacy as controversies multiply over his petroleum policies .


  28. Because if you 're constantly doing what we do , raising the bar , if you are constantly pushing yourself higher , higher , the Law of averages , not to mention the myth of Icarus .


  29. Playing in an orchestra , I can be Atlas , holding the other musicians above my head , or Icarus , flying through a solo in a desperate attempt to reach the heavens .


  30. ( Greek mythology ) an Athenian inventor who built the Labyrinth of Minos ; to escape the Labyrinth he fashioned wings for himself and his sone Icarus .
