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  • abbr.世界佛教徒联谊会(World Fellowship of Buddhists)
  1. Research on the Experimentation of WFB Assembly Hollow Floor with Cast-in-suit Ribs


  2. YY , FHS and WFB are most commonly used yeast strains .


  3. The WFB cast-in-situ hollow-ribbed concrete floor , which composed by space beams and the prefabricated concrete box fillers , was analyzed .


  4. I will raise it with the wfb .


  5. Methods : 29 cases of patients who suffered from calculus which was occurred as a result of blasting the kidney stone were treated by extracorporeal blast wave with model WFB V instrument .


  6. Further more , when Yeast strains were disposed with a concentration of 1 % NaCl , it indicated that the influence of growth rate caused by NaCl on strain WFB is more dramatically than YY .


  7. When the yeast strains YY 、 WFB 、 FHS were disposed with 1 % 、 3 % and 5 % concentration of NaCl , different growth rates in each disposal were observed and analyzed .


  8. The WFB assembly hollow slab with cast-in-site ribs is a new kind large span floor structure by improving the traditional hollow slab , it is made up of by two parts : WFB hollow boxes and cast-in-site ribs . WFB hollow box is prefabricated in the factory .
