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  1. Ipsos MORI expanded the survey in recent years to go across the world .


  2. Ipsos in2000 to enter China , has emerged as a case study of China 's largest companies .


  3. But statistics released by Ipsos early this year show that 69 percent Chinese believe that money represents success .


  4. And there 's been some really wonderful surveys carried out recently by Ipsos MORI in the last few years .


  5. The poll conducted by Reuters and Ipsos shows that 41 percent of U.S. adults Trump 's performance in office .


  6. The poll of 1,000 adults was conducted by telephone Dec. 12 to 14 by Ipsos , an international public opinion research company .


  7. Ipsos believes the absence of a recovery in consumer confidence to match signs of economic recovery reflects high levels of unemployment in many developed economies .


  8. According to a Rueters / Ipsos poll , 73 percent of Americans believe the United States is on the " wrong track . "


  9. One in five of the 2008 people questioned by Ipsos Observer for Intel admitted that some of what they post is false .


  10. Ipsos rewards users for completing surveys online , offering vouchers from the likes of Amazon and John Lewis .


  11. A Reuters / Ipsos tracking poll released on Monday indicates both candidates are virtually tied in the presidential contest .


  12. Polling was conducted online by Ipsos MORI on 12207 adults aged 16-64 across 27 countries , who are aware of the World Cup .


  13. A survey by Ipsos Mori found 17 percent of British office workers never have breakfast and 17 percent have it just one to three times a week .


  14. According to Ipsos MORI , a pollster , three-quarters of people plan to spend at least as much on their garden this year as last .


  15. Obama is getting heat for it but people aren 't necessarily blaming him for it , said Chris Jackson , research director for Ipsos public affairs .


  16. Ipsos also discovered that telecommuting is more prevalent in emerging markets than in rich ones , but it is growing in the latter , too .


  17. A recent survey conducted by globalresearch firm IPSOS across 20 countries , found that a whopping 71 percentof Chinese say they gauge their success by the things they own .


  18. Lincoln won 't present an immediate threat to the top premium brands in China , said Klaus Paur , global head of automotive at research firm Ipsos .


  19. Employers need to pay attention to their employees ' mental health , not just their physical health , said Alexandra Evershed , senior vice president , Ipsos Public Affairs .


  20. It is based on a survey of 13388 academics from 131 countries , carried out in 2010 by Ipsos Media for the Times Higher Education magazine 's ranking-data supplier Thomson Reuters .


  21. A recent survey by French consulting firm Ipsos has found that over 80 percent of people in China are optimistic about the future development of the county , the highest among all 26 countries surveyed .


  22. However , Klaus paur , auto analyst at Ipsos in Shanghai , does not expect a " significant direct impact " on car sales from either lower interest rates or fuel price cuts .


  23. According to a poll by Ipsos Mori last month , 77 percent of Britons want their country to remain a monarchy . For one thing , the royal family brings in heaps of tourism revenues .


  24. The Reuters / Ipsos survey also asked if behavior exhibited in sex scandals was reflective of people 's true personalities , or if fame and power led them to think they could get away with their acts .


  25. A survey of over 11000 workers in 24 countries published last year by Ipsos , a polling firm , found that almost a fifth of respondents who said they are connected online to their workplaces telecommute frequently ;


  26. More than two-thirds of Americans disapprove of the way President Barack Obama is handling high gasoline prices , although most do not blame him for them , according to a Reuters / Ipsos online poll released on Tuesday .


  27. But Klaus paur , global head of automotive research at Ipsos , says that for many Chinese carmakers , focusing on exports " is not a sustainable strategy " and they must first concentrate on the challenges of increased competition they face back home .


  28. In 2011 , a national Ipsos Mori poll found that more than 60 percent of respondents believed the UK was getting worse as a place to live and that it was unlikely that today 's youth would have a better life than their parents .


  29. Whether it is due to stress , interpersonal conflict , frustration , lack of feedback or promotion , 27 percent of workers in 24 countries said they are not happy with the psychological aspects of their work environment , the survey by research company Ipsos for Reuters showed .


  30. Klaus Paur , car industry analyst at Ipsos in Shanghai , says : " In the past few years we have seen a dramatic loss of market share for Chinese branded vehicles , while international carmakers have done a very good job of penetrating the lower end of the market . "
