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  • 网络资产支持商业票据;资产担保商业票据;资产抵押商业票据;商业本票;资产支持票据
  1. In mid-July , ABCP investors refused to roll over some of these notes .


  2. Everything in this market depends on investors in the ABCP market maintaining their faith in the programmes and the assets they hold .


  3. Trend Analysis on Pushing ABCP of New-Type Financing Tool in Our Country


  4. Under a restructuring plan devised towards the end of last year , ABCP would be converted into longer-term securities .


  5. To protect investors ' interest , ABCP programs are structured with various protections such as credit enhancement and liquidity support .


  6. It was their sudden withdrawal that caused the market in asset backed commercial paper ( ABCP ) to seize up .


  7. There is deep uncertainty about what the central banks will do next making ABCP players even more reluctant to start issuing and trading again .


  8. As a result , by mid-July some investors decided to stop buying ABCP paper from SIVs suspected of subprime exposure .


  9. That panic about ABCP vehicles has consequently made it hard for some European banks to raise short-term money , pushing up overnight money market rates .


  10. What some people are hoping is that the bottom fishers will appear and help the market self-correct , says one big ABCP issuer .


  11. These funding lines have rarely been drawn in recent years , because liquidity has been abundant in the ABCP market as almost everywhere else in the financial world .


  12. By early August , the problems in the ABCP market had become so serious that some European banks were preparing for additional calls on credit lines to SIVs .


  13. That voice became louder after the 20 conduits , or trusts , holding ABCP were placed under court protection last month pending approval by investors .


  14. The synthesis and dynamic mechanical properties of AB crosslinked Polymer ( ABCP ) and simultaneous interpenetrating polymer networks ( IPN ) based on castor oil polyurethane were studied .


  15. Collectively this so-called " asset-backed commercial paper " or ABCP lasts for anything between a few days and a few months before needing to be refunded .


  16. The problem could be thrown into relief when billions of dollars of ABCP mature today and on Wednesday , with great uncertainty as to whether this can be refinanced .


  17. As it became apparent this summer that the US subprime problems were worsening and infecting a broader range of structured products , some investors in the ABCP market started to worry about whether SIVs were also sitting on losses .


  18. The results show that ABCP has a single Tg relaxation on the dynamic mechanical spectrum , and the dimension of castor oil polyurethane domains is less than 2 nm . Therefore , the two components in ABCP are nearly compatible .
