
美 [ˈhʌmbələst]英 [ˈhʌmblɪst]
  • adj.(级别或地位)低下的,卑微的;谦逊的;虚心的;表示谦逊,但不够诚挚或认真
  • humble的最高级
  1. Art is about creativity , transmuting the humblest subjects into the sublime .


  2. Even the humblest mother likes to show off a sense of style .


  3. Now not even the humblest household object is made without a microprocessor .


  4. Longer term , it has the potential to transform even the humblest IT operation into something quite new .


  5. She knows that the humblest have their rights even in the presence of the greatest .


  6. Love is the strongest force the world possesses , and yet it is the humblest imaginable .


  7. The key has been the participation of the humblest , most vulnerable members of the Indian population .


  8. My most abject and humblest apologies to you as well , princess .


  9. But the sort of recycling where the kit is changing fastest is arguably the humblest : composting .


  10. He said , " The dark , uneasy world of family life -- where the greatest can fail , and the humblest succeed . "


  11. They would have vainly sought-had they ever dreamed of seeking-to express the highest truths through the humblest medium of familiar words and images .


  12. This is the delicate divine mechanism which words cannot interpret , and which theology cannot explain , but which the humblest believer knows even when he does not understand .


  13. It is difficult to imagine the humblest origin of this genius that now cooks in the Gusteau 's Which is in the opinion of this critic nothing less than the best boss of France .


  14. Then I thought , ' I must read it again before I go to sleep , " so I pushed off to the latrine ( where the humblest may be sure of privacy ) and read your words again .


  15. We remembered well enough that we had set up a policy which was meant to serve the humblest as well as the most powerful , with an eye single to the standards of justice and fair play , and remembered it with pride .


  16. The third brother in the story ( " the humblest and also the wisest " ) is the only one who understands that , having narrowly escaped Death once , the best he can hope for is to postpone their next meeting for as long as possible .


  17. Here - amid the cream of stone , the green of olive , the blue of sea - the women discover the ancient grace of agricultural Salento , long the humblest region within Puglia , the rough-hewn , rocky area in the country 's south .


  18. I hesitate to say Fiordland is the humblest of the lodges , although it is the cheapest and most traditional of those I saw - albeit housed in a fine contemporary timber building with an asymmetrical pitched roof set against a backdrop of distant snowcapped peaks .
