
  • n.等级制度;大主教,司祭长;统治集团首领


a senior clergyman and dignitary
Synonym: archpriest high priest prelate primate
a person who holds a high position in a hierarchy


  1. To analysis on hierarch process is a scientific decision method in transportation invest .


  2. XML Based Multi - Hierarch Mapping Model of Case Representation


  3. The fuzzy evaluation result was the same to Analytic Hierarch process .


  4. Algorithm Study on Models of Multiple Objective Risk Decision under Principal and Subordinate Hierarch Decision-making


  5. Occupational Status : Indicator of Social Stratification , A study on social strata with hierarch in Shanghai


  6. From Hierarch to Flat - forming : Reconstructing Psychological Contracts in the Transformation of Enterprise Organizational Structure


  7. Based on human imitation , a concept hierarch tree based rotational model is developed to choose the final subject words .


  8. This model is able to represent hierarchical relationships within a dimension and support unbalanced hierarchy , relaxed hierarch .


  9. The paper chooses Hunan pork industry chain as study object and uses Analytic Hierarch Process and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation to evaluate the effect of functions of industry chain .


  10. Hierarchical Model and Non-Hierarchical Model in Complex Machinery Optimization Design This model is able to represent hierarchical relationships within a dimension and support unbalanced hierarchy , relaxed hierarch .


  11. Logical key hierarch is to be used to reduce the cost of key update , and providing good scalability . The key update algorithm ensures the forward security and backward security .


  12. The Newcastle United hierarch say that the club is hoping to reach a settlement to their acrimonious dispute with Kevin Keegan .


  13. In conclusion , from the resource-based view , in some specific situation complete market and hierarch are defeated because of the advantages of business networks on both static efficiency and dynamic adapting .


  14. The reward measures of increasing throughput and port fee for port authority , Analytic Hierarch Process ( AHP ), Valid utilities of resource in terminal , Promotion of service quality in terminal .


  15. She 's clearly as comfortable arguing about the hierarch of Star Trek spin-offs as she is mind-fucking Natalie Portman in Black Swan .


  16. Against the deficiencies of the existing schemes , a peer selection scheme based on the load balance between the cells suitable for mobile network is proposed with the Analytic Hierarch Process ( AHP ) and the Grey Correlation Analysis .


  17. Firstly , according to the information of the concept hierarch tree , weight of keywords which were extracted from text are adjusted , and some latent keywords which donot appear in text are recruited .


  18. This article at last argues that the operation of the power in the rural china governance is based on the control of political information , and the asymmetry of which between the hierarch and the public insures the sound operation of power .


  19. It also designs the project of the system . A new index system of freeway urgency succor is proposed firstly , and then the weight of the index is fixed on by the Analytic Hierarch Process . An example is brought in to check the index .


  20. Had you been a hierarch monk meditating before the temple wall , I would have been burning in the hall as that stick of incense , in your company , for a while , with your contemplative solitude .
