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  • 网络浓缩铀;高浓缩铀
  1. " This is not the first we have heard of HEU ," he said . " And it may not be the last . "


  2. A Method for Determination of HEU Age High gravity brewing


  3. Finally , the paper proposed HEU campus network construction project quality management system implementation process , methods , and security measures .


  4. The algorithm was applied to the control of an autonomous underwater vehicle designed by HEU .


  5. The production of HEU and its proliferation problem was mainly discussed . The technology of recovery uranium from high concentration uranium solution is studied .


  6. Until this year , Pyongyang has denied U.S. accusations it possessed a HEU , or highly enriched uranium program , previous agreements .


  7. Then , the paper analyzes the HEU status of the campus network of quality management , network engineering to find out the main problems , combined with the quality of IT project management characteristics of causes .


  8. According to this character , based on an existing heuristic algorithm HEU , we proposed a new heuristic algorithm called T-HEU , which can reduce the time complexity of HEU .


  9. Until this year , Pyongyang has denied U.S. accusations it possessed a covert HEU , or highly enriched uranium program , in violation of previous agreements .


  10. In particular , strengthening the control on " weapon-usable " fissile materials-highly enriched uranium ( HEU ) and separated plutonium is essential .


  11. During Saturday 's visit to the South Korean capital , she said documents Pyongyang has provided to the United States include some references to a suspected highly enriched uranium , or HEU , program .


  12. Highly enriched uranium , or HEU , can be produced in a number of ways , but an increasingly common way is through the use of centrifuges because they are low power , very cheap to operate , and easy to hide .
