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  1. This paper conducted a case study on Guangdong Haid Group to explore value creation process of high technology service enterprises .


  2. Haid é e and three French maids , and one who was a Greek .


  3. The name he pronounced , in a voice of tenderness , amounting almost to love , was that of Haid é e.


  4. His eye , elate with happiness , was reading eagerly the tearful gaze of Haid é e , when suddenly the door opened .


  5. The next day it snowed very haid , so that he could not take the herd to their usual feeding places , but was obliged to keep them in the fold .


  6. These days , " far fewer employees are feeling comfortable enough with their work loads to take time away " for a quick bite , notes Michael haid , a senior vice president at the firm .


  7. Haid é e , still calm , but with a calmness more dreadful than the anger of another would have been , handed to the president the record of her sale , written in Arabic .


  8. You are a worthy daughter of Epirus , Haid é e , and your charming and poetical ideas prove well your descent from that race of goddesses who claim your country as their birthplace .
