
美 [ˈhɑrləts]英 [ˈhɑːləts]
  • n.妓女;荡妇
  • harlot的复数



  • 1
    N-COUNT 娼妓;淫妇
    If someone describes a woman as a harlot, they disapprove of her because she is a prostitute, or because she looks or behaves like a prostitute.

  1. The very Parthenon itself saw Demetrius consorting with harlots and debauching free women of Athens .


  2. I don 't want my maid of honor looking like a harlot .


  3. Lady , Queen of Harlots and of Soldiers , I call to Thee !


  4. The cold smile of a deceased harlot .


  5. But thou hast played the harlot with many lovers ; yet return again to me , saith the LORD .


  6. The only action required , apart from shredding the thing , is to keep a tighter rein on your resident harlot .


  7. Poppy Harlot got the perspective from both sides of the debate over the possibility of a right-to-work law in Michigan .


  8. And they went and entered the house of a woman who was a harlot , whose name was rahab ; and they lay down there .


  9. How is the faithful city become an harlot ! It was full of judgment ; righteousness lodged in it ; but now murderers .


  10. Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works , when she had received the messengers , and had sent them out another way ?


  11. By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not , when she had received the spies with peace .


  12. This troubled relationship stands for the betrayal of God by Israel , which has " played the harlot " by dallying with Canaanite religion .


  13. Pro7:10 And , behold , there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot , and subtil of heart .


  14. Then he asked the men of that place , saying , Where is the harlot , that was openly by the way side ? And they said , There was no harlot in this place .


  15. And of thy garments thou didst take , and deckedst thy high places with divers colours , and playedst the harlot thereupon : the like things shall not come , neither shall it be so .


  16. Oh , yeah . Right.Quite a team we 'd make . Town harlot , town drunk . The only person in this town that people like less than me is you . If you 're coming to me , you 're screwed .


  17. He felt that Latin was a corrupted , elitist language , and that the use of it in serious prose had turned literature into a harlot by making universal narrative into something that could only be bought with money , through the privilege of an aristocratic education .


  18. He felt that Latin was a corrupted , elitist language , and that the use of it in serious prose had " turned literature into a harlot " by making universal narrative into something that could only be bought with money , through the privilege of an aristocratic education .
