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  • n.谷歌员工;谷歌公司的全职员工;频繁使用谷歌搜索引擎的用户
  1. They wanted to let that other Googler have a few of their vacation days .


  2. It all started a few years ago , when one Googler had a parent who had fallen sick .


  3. One Googler said Aldous Huxley 's utopian vision remained a fond and distant dream .


  4. Wrote one googler : " employees are never more than 150 feet away from a well-stocked pantry . "


  5. On the other , Xiaomi VP ( and former Googler ) Hugo Barra indicated last week that Xiaomi may not export to new markets the app store it uses for its Chinese customers .


  6. The never-before-released details of the tech giant 's perks program include an amazing benefit that if a Googler dies while under the tech giant 's employ , their spouse or life partner will receive 50 per cent of their salary for the next decade .


  7. At last , if a Googler passes away , " their surviving spouse continues to get half of the Googler 's salary for the next 10 years . And there 's an additional $ 1000 / month benefit for any of the Googler 's children . "
