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  1. It 's interesting how , in 2009 , Gizmodo basically defined ,


  2. In 2012 , the blog Gizmodo acqxuired a copy of Apple 's Genius training manual .


  3. Other publications , including Gizmodo , used the tweet to raise the question : Was this paranoia , or just good practice ?


  4. November 's Gizmodo mobile browser shoot-out was a hoot in explaining IE 's failing grade :


  5. Gizmodo : You mend games in an arcade .


  6. Gizmodo 's Sam Biddle despises this word , saying I hate ping because it means the exact same thing as contact .


  7. The Gizmodo report said that Mr. Wright and Dave Kleiman , an American who died in 2013 , " were involved in the development of the digital currency . "


  8. Naturally , there were a fair few jokes about this , with Gizmodo noting that much of the advice seemed to be along the lines of saying " I 'm sorry you feel that way " after a fight with your girlfriend .


  9. Here is one of the solutions from a commenter at Gizmodo : There are other possible solutions , but the first one I came up with was : 6 , 9 , 3 , 5 , 2 , 1 , 7 , 8 , 4 in that order ...


  10. The employees who are resigning in protest , several of whom discussed their decision to leave with Gizmodo , say that executives have become less transparent with their workforce about controversial business decisions and seem less interested in listening to workers ' objections than they once did .


  11. Not much is known about the Talos suit , but the technology site Gizmodo got a good look at the helmet in July , confirming an intention to use technology to pack more gear on a soldier 's body and make it feel like he or she is carrying less than ever .


  12. In December , Mr Wright was identified as Mr Nakamoto in stories by Wired and Gizmodo that pointed to supposedly leaked emails and documents claiming proof he and a colleague , the late Dave Kleiman , were the co-inventors of the cryptocurrency .


  13. The news about Mr. Thiel funding the suit against Gawker broke just as the previous contretemps about Silicon Valley and the media - how Facebook shapes the news that its users see , sparked by a story in Gizmodo , another Gawker property - was dying down .
