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  1. Hawass said it would take several months to reveal more details about the identity of the Tutankhamun 's mother .


  2. Two fetuses found in Tutankhamun 's tomb , which was full of treasure , were identified as his offspring .


  3. What did Tutankhamun say when he got scared ?


  4. I 'm reminded of the British archaeologist who discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun .


  5. The Discovery Channel said he would announce what it called the most important find in the Valley of the Kings since the discovery of King Tutankhamun .


  6. Researchers at Australia 's Monash University have studied the curse of Tutankhamun 's tomb , which was opened in 1923 .


  7. The city was largely abandoned shortly after his death and the ascendance of the famous boy king Tutankhamun to the throne .


  8. The museum 's biggest show , after all , was 1979 " s " Treasures of Tutankhamun , " which attracted over a million people .


  9. Called the New Egyptian Museum , it will eventually house the largest collection of pharaonic monuments , including the solid gold death mask of Tutankhamun .


  10. Scientists are also looking for the mummy of queen Nefertiti but they have identified Ankhsenamun as Tutankhamun 's wife .


  11. He ruled out speculation that Tutankhamun and his father suffered from " Marfan syndrome " and another condition that could have led to enlarged breasts .


  12. Scientists have identified Akhenaten , the " heretic " king who introduced monotheism to ancient Egypt , as Tutankhamun 's father .


  13. Mystery has surrounded the identities of Tutankhamun ` s own parents : while his father was the Pharaoh Akhenaton , his mother remains unknown .


  14. Stories of " the mummy 's curse " excited the world after the discovery in1922 of Egyptian King Tutankhamun ( Tut ) 's tomb .


  15. Channel Four viewers will see Alan Billis turned into a mummy over the space of a few months as his body is preserved using the techniques which the ancient Egyptians used on Tutankhamun .


  16. The resting places of the mighty pharaohs of Egypt , such as Ramses II and the boy king Tutankhamun , have inspired wonder and awe through centuries .


  17. The area where the balloon went down was a capital of ancient Egypt , and draws tourists to see temples , palaces and tombs , including the burial site of the pharaoh Tutankhamun .


  18. As it happens , I was told at the conference in the Tutankhamun museum that some Swiss ETFs are now trying to allay any such concerns by installing webcams to monitor those bars .


  19. In August 2008 , Egypt ` s antiquities authorities said they had taken DNA samples from Tutankhamun ` s mummy and from two fetuses found in his tomb to determine whether the still-born children had been fathered by the boy king .


  20. Speaking to Mail Online today , museum curator Barry Chandler said , ' Dr Aidan Dodson , from Bristol University , looked at the design and realised it must have come from the Egyptian ' golden age - the time of Akhenaten and Tutankhamun . '
