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  • abbr.高尔夫;general operating language 通用操作语言
  1. Study on Sandstorm Forecast Model by Using BP Neural Network in the Xilin Gol Area


  2. Grassland Degradation of Different Factors on the Extent of the Impact Study of Xilin Gol


  3. Assessment of Grassland Ecological Restoration Project in Xilin Gol Grassland


  4. Calculated after superposition of Xilin Gol League ecological risk rating chart .


  5. Expected in the next short period of time , ecosystem services can also carry the production of the Xilin Gol residents living needs .


  6. A study on dynamic monitoring rangeland regradation and its distribution in the Xilin Gol Plateau 's dry steppe


  7. Observation of plant height selection iu 3 species of grasshoppers in grasslands of the Xilin Gol River Basin , Inner Mongolia


  8. Xilin Gol League has the abundant wind energy resources , wind energy zoning classification show that wind energy are suitable for development of large-scale wind power plants .


  9. Comparative Analysis of Pb-Zn-Ag-Au Mineral-formation Condition in the South Xilin Gol League of Inner Mongolia with in the Northwest Hebei


  10. The formation and material sources of the superlarge Hada Gol Ga-bearing coal deposit in Jungar Banner , Inner Mongolia


  11. Education in Pasturing Areas in the Process of Urbanization & Take Education in the Bordered Yellow Banner , Xilin Gol League in Inner Mongolia for Example


  12. Route Selection Processfor the Bohai Sea Water Diversion to Xilin Gol by GIS Monitoring and analyzing on organotin compound in main ports of Bohai Bay of China


  13. Ecological Footprint-based Comparison of Living Consumption of Meso-scale Cities ' Residents in China & Taking Taizhou , Shangqiu , Tongchuan and Xilin Gol as Examples


  14. No todos los d í as te toca hacer un gol en una final .


  15. It was while he was at the ENA that Hollande fell for S é gol è ne Royal , a young radical .


  16. Ultrafine powders of nanometer sized α Fe 2O 3 Al 2O 3 Na 2O were prepared by Sol gol method . and the phase composition and grain size were studied .


  17. As an important national base for the green animal , deficient supply of pastoral public infrastructure has become an important barrier during the economic development and the new pastoral reconstruction in Xilin Gol League .


  18. Xilin Gol grassland , population growth , regional economic development must adapt with the environment , only the rational use of grassland resources and maintaining ecological balance , to achieve sustainable development of grassland animal husbandry .


  19. Main contents are as follows : 1 ) accepting the idea of General Ontology Language ( GOL ), this paper constructs a CMMS meta-model , and validates it through GOL .


  20. S é gol è ne Royal , the party 's defeated presidential candidate in2007 ( and Mr Hollande 's former partner ), has struggled to make her mark this time .


  21. In the system used in the construction of object-oriented analysis and design ideas , use of visual UML Modeling Language standard for social insurance management system for the modeling , construction of the Xilin Gol League of social insurance management system in the framework model .


  22. Xilin Gol League in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in central east of the alliance is located in the Mongolian Plateau , the plateau surface forthright integrity , gentle ups and downs , ancient planation surface erosion significant sand widespread , the ancient " desert ", said .


  23. It retrained the media spotlight on the first lady , who has sought to keep a low profile after a slew of highly critical books detailing her 10-year alleged feud with Mr Hollande 's ex-partner S é gol è ne Royal , the mother of his four children .
