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  • 网络金融输电权;输卵管再通术;再通术;通术;引用文件类型
  1. The scholars had different opinions on the factors that influence FTR .


  2. In the method , FTR of every line is sold in forward market like electricity .


  3. FTR Cavities Performing All Optical Logic in Digital Optical Computing


  4. Methods : Treatments for 57 patients suffering from FTR with 3 types of common techniques were analysed .


  5. Application of FTR and TO in transmission congestion management LMP method for electricity pricing during power transmission congestion


  6. The article purpose the hybrid modeling based on character , word and phrase as the Chinese FTR using MM method .


  7. An Approximate Method to Calculate the Burnup of a Highly Enriched Uranium FTR


  8. The market participants considered include generation companies , FTR owners , arbitrageurs and electricity consumers .


  9. Method : Apply the X-ray intervention , SSG and FTR , to 209 tubes of 108 patients .


  10. The Reactivity Effect of Fission Products and Equivalent Methods of Imaginary Fission Products in a Highly Enriched Uranium FTR


  11. The most important setting is First Time Records ( FTR ) which controls how much of the group you download the first time you visit .


  12. A method for hedging congestion risk combining FTR with fund pool is illuminated in detail , and its quantitative analysis is described .


  13. Methods FTR was performed in 27 women with fallopian tube obstruction , compared with salpingography with lipiodol as auto controls .


  14. The objective of the auction model is to maximize the revenue of FTR auction . The model considers the stability constraints of both normal condition and N-1 condition simultaneously .


  15. Conclusion : The operation of SSG and FTR by self-made catheter system could be worked conveniently and easily , which has verified therapeutic effect as an effective and safe therapy method .


  16. Results : 306 cases with proximal fallopian tube obstruction had been treated by FTR , 7 cases failed and 231 of the cases acquired successful tubal recanalization and complete patency .


  17. Objective : To recommend an improved technique of external fixators ( ITEF ) used to treat fractures of the trochanteric region of femur ( FTR ) in the senile .


  18. Moreover , there are two kinds of FTR products in the FTR market which includes obligation FTR and option FTR . Participants can choose from them according to their demand to avoid the congestion risks .


  19. In order to solve this problem , this paper improves a new financial transmission right ( FTR ), which is a complete financial instruments of risk aversion , the power plants could buy this FTR according to their requirements to avoid loss because of lines congestion .


  20. Methods : 35 patients with sterilization caused by oviduct emphraxis were treated with selective salpingography ( SSG ) and fallopian tube recanalization ( FTR ) by self-made catheter and administer bacteriophage 3 ~ 5 days after operation .


  21. The development and maturity of Automatic Question-Answering System ( AQAS ), that is a subsystem of E-education , depends on the maturity of the involved technologies and the synthetical use of them . Chinese-based fulltext retrieval ( FTR ) is a key technology in AQAS .


  22. After visiting 27 patients who were performed in SSG and FTR we found that 15 patients had been pregnant ( among them 11 were after being performed in FTR ), the pregnancy rate to HSG is 39 % , to SSG and FTR is 56 % .
