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  • abbr.故障(损伤)检测证明(Fault Detect Verification);全双工声码器(Full Duplex Vocoder)
  1. Following the heating section of the HTST system , the product reaches a flow diversion valve ( FDV ) .


  2. The FDV is controlled by a temperature-sensing device located at the exit of the heating section of the system .


  3. I can replace that FdV Now , I need to tell you what the divergence of a3D vector field is .


  4. If the product has reached the desired pasteurization temperature , the FDV will maintain forward flow and product will move to the next component of the system .


  5. Clinical efficacy ( daily emiction frequency , nocturia frequency , urgency and odynuria degree ) and urine kinetic parameters ( FDV , MCC , Qmax ) of the 2 groups before treatment , 1 month and 3 months after treatment were evaluated .
