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  • 网络羟甲基尿素
  1. The FDU can 't implement data acquisition when the FDU ID memory damages or confusion of stored data .


  2. Study of Prenatal Diagnosis on First Trimester of Pregnancy : Chromosome Investi-gation of the Chorionic Villi Cell Grown in the Medium Containing FdU


  3. Effects of rice straw supplemented with formaldehyde treated urea ( fdu ) on nitrogen metabolism in the rumen of buffaloes fed indoors in winter


  4. Studies on the effect of formaldehyde-treated urea ( fdu ) on the digestion and metabolism in ruminants & ⅰ . studies on ammonia release rate in vitro


  5. By using the peripheral blood lymphocyte culture method , a study on fragile sites in Guanzhong black pig chromosomes was done with Fluorodeoxyuridine ( FdU ) as inducer .


  6. The paper introduced FDU ID memory of 408 seismograph and a device using a bi-directional parallel port for printer on a personal computer to read / write FDU EEPROM chip .


  7. This method was easy to operate , needed small sample and could provide accurate results , and be used to monitor the octane numbers of the FDU gasoline , FCC gasoline and final gasoline product .


  8. The thesis also presents the method to gain conformed material : the process to use FDU degassing unit to purify the aluminum melting and the method to test density with vacuum samples and finally to get fine curing tire molds .
