- n.(自动缫丝机的)起伏杆

There was only just enough Fook to go round .
Like its product , Chow Tai Fook is not cheap .
Have you tried the following Herbal Tea Series from Hung Fook Tong ?
Pak Fook Kai Ling Villages ( New Territories ) Residents Welfare Association Limited
Have you ever drink Hung Fook Tong 's bottle herbal teas ?
Hong Kong jeweller Chow Tai Fook had bad numbers , too .
Yiu Fook Small Group Home [ Po Leung Kuk ] National Child Welfare Board
Will you buy Hung Fook Tong 's bottle herbal teas in the future ?
Do you like the out look of Hung Fook Tong 's bottle herbal teas ?
All information and data contained in this Website is complied only for the members of Yan Fook Church for reference .
Fook On Tong Social Centre for the Elderly [ The Association of the Evangelism Free Churches of Hong Kong ]
This summer Chow Tai Fook shares fell sharply after it reported a 4 per cent rise in same-store sales for the first quarter .
Luk Fook jewellery reserves the right to change the above terms and conditions without prior notice and the right of the final decision on the offer made .
Chow Tai Fook was not at risk of diluting its brand value by expanding too quickly , said Kent Wong , managing director .
If the pork at Aberdeen Street Social was sublime , the pork at Ho Lee Fook was nearly life-changing .
Fook Fai plans to become an outstanding IT professional and his HKUST degree program proved the ideal preparation , combining his interests in programming , investment and meeting people .
Sanzi , a flour-based pastry , is a traditional festival Fook for guests among the Hui and other nationalities .
" Fanling Kwun Ti Village Farmers ' Irrigation Co-operative Society , Limited " Pak Fook Kai Ling Villages ( New Territories ) Residents Welfare Association Limited
A staunch supporter of the College , Mr Lee is the donor of the Fook Yee Prizes which provide financial support to needy business students with outstanding academic performance .
While Chow Tai Fook 's business is focused on Asia , the Shanghai-based gold company Lao Feng Xiang is betting that Westerners can learn to love the Asian style .
Last month , Chow Tai Fook hosted an auction of some of its most expensive jewellery in the ballroom of the Grand Hyatt in Hong Kong .
Across Asia , purchases of submarines , the new bling in the words of Bernard Loo Fook Weng , a Singaporean defence expert , are multiplying .
What the Fook are you assholes up to now ?
On September14th , in a Chow Tai Fook chain store located in Baotou City , Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region , a shop assistant was demonstrating a gold mooncake to customers .
At Fook Lam Moon in Hong Kong , pricey signature dishes for the festive season include a braised turtle number that costs 1,000 Hong Kong dollars ( US $ 129 ) .
The decline has affected businesses including Richemont , Burberry and luxury jeweller Chow Tai Fook , which said this year it expected to close up to six stores in Hong Kong .
The project started in 2010 when Chow Tai Fook , a Hong Kong jewelry company , acquired an extremely rare , unpolished 507-carat diamond found in the Cullinan mine in South Africa .
Chow Tai Fook , the largest Chinese jewellery chain , said this month that it expects profits to be down 40-50 per cent on " weaker consumer sentiment in [ the ] Greater China region . "
Reservations have bounced back this year after a dip in 2009 , said Michelle Chui , a manager at Fook Lam Moon , which operates nine high-end Cantonese restaurants across Asia .
Chow Tai Fook - the Hong Kong-based company that is the world 's biggest jeweller by market capitalisation - said some stores in areas popular with mainland Chinese tourists had sold out of gold bars .