- n.衰减;下降,散开,分开

A collapsing economy and severe falloff of advertising revenue were too much to support the debt load .
That means any falloff in export orders is usually accompanied by a drop in demand for imports .
Early Well Testing Method of Correcting Afterflow Region Pressure Falloff Data
A study on falloff test in steam injection well
So I put him in a less lit place , in the middle range of the main light falloff .
If there is a further falloff in ticket sales , the play will close .
You can set the falloff within the object 's volume to shape how the particles are deleted .
A drop in exports , as well as capital inflow , will trigger a falloff in investments .
It is designed with hydraulic pistons , powerful output , high lifting stroke and available to convey low falloff cement .
A comparable falloff in sea freight volumes on the key Asia to Europe route took until October to appear .
Special Ability : 10 % bonus to Small Hybrid Turret falloff and 5 % Small Hybrid Turret damage per skill level .
The Flare Gun is one of the few weapons not subject to distance indexed damage falloff or ramp up .
The differences between Tritium ( 3H ) and other global falloff radioactive products lie in its close relation to hydrologic cycle .
But some of last month 's falloff may be due to a new banking rule that 's slowing the flow of paperwork , of all things .
But government action to cool down the market , by , for example , restricting credit for property development , is resulting in a sharp falloff in construction .
Note : The position of these ground locators can be adjusted later to tweak the falloff of the shadow attenuation .
Journalism is reeling from the falloff in advertising and the inability of newspapers and magazines to make a living on the Web .
Beyond the upper limit of the linear region of an ionization gauge , there is a falloff in the ion current with the increase of the measured pressure .
They may also be used in Feather Duster areas and Robot Zones to capture falloff and spills in order to reduce cleanup and prevent dirt seed contamination .
Sanrio was recently forced to write off the 500 million yen in debt held by Harmony Land , one of its two character theme parks in Japan , after a falloff in visitors , although the park remains open .
Worldwide smartwatch sales dropped 51.6 % year-on-year in the third quarter of 2016 , hit by limited availability of Apple Inc 's Series 2 during the period and a general falloff in sales , according to a report by research firm International Data Corporation .
This paper introduces the application of with direct reading electronic gauge high precision , high distinguish ratio in the test of micro fracturing and injection / falloff test in the coal seam bed . It extends the application field of ground direct reading test system and DST test technology .