
  • 网络回避;避开;爱羽达
  1. Results of simulation and experiment prove that after we use the composite control method , unit roller can evite the step faster and more placidly .


  2. Based on the real work process of coiler at worksite , an electro-hydraulic servo system including the inner position-adjusting loop and the exterior pressure-adjusting loop is developed in order that unit roller can evite the step automatically .


  3. And what do we do ? Send him an evite ? He replies " Ghost " plus one ?


  4. Among the more than 95,000 save-the-date events sent via Evite , Los Angeles , Houston , New York , Chicago and Atlanta were the top five mailers last year .


  5. Another popular free e-card site , Evite . com , sent out 2.6 million save-the-date invitations in 2013 , says its editorial director , Marilyn Oliveira .


  6. Modern coiler of hot rolling is coiling faster and faster . Based on the physical simulation model built in laboratory , a series of experiments have been conducted to study how to evite the step even faster and more placidly .


  7. A lot of the guests must have missed the no-gifts request on our Evite , because we ended up having to make two trips to the car with a large wheeled bin to get all the stuff packed up .
