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美 [ɪˈvæljueɪt]英 [ɪˈvæljueɪt]
  • vt.评价;评估;估计

派生词: evaluation n.;evaluative adj. 过去式: evaluated 现在分词: evaluating 过去分词: evaluated 第三人称单数: evaluates

e- 向外,离开 + valu(e) 价值,重视 + -ate 做,造成




to form an opinion of the amount, value or quality of sth after thinking about it carefully

Our research attempts to evaluate the effectiveness of the different drugs.


We need to evaluate how well the policy is working.





  • 1
    VERB 评估;评价
    If you evaluate something or someone, you consider them in order to make a judgment about them, for example about how good or bad they are.

    They will first send in trained nurses to evaluate the needs of the individual situation...


  • ...the opinions and evaluations of college supervisors...



form a critical opinion of
I cannot judge some works of modern art
How do you evaluate this grant proposal?" "We shouldn't pass judgment on other people
Synonym: pass judgment judge
evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of
I will have the family jewels appraised by a professional
access all the factors when taking a risk
Synonym: measure valuate assess appraise value


  1. The school has only been open for six months , so it 's hard to evaluate its success .


  2. A New Method to Evaluate the Bit Error Probability of CDMA System


  3. We need to evaluate how well the policy is working .


  4. Our research attempts to evaluate the effectiveness of the different drugs .


  5. The market situation is difficult to evaluate .


  6. They will first send in trained nurses to evaluate the needs of the individual situation


  7. The law now requires that parents serve on the committees that plan and evaluate school programs


  8. She evaluates people by their clothes .


  9. One 's contributions and mistakes will be evaluated by later generations .


  10. Evaluate this piece of furniture , please .


  11. In evaluating historical personages , we should not lose sight of specific historical conditions .


  12. Our aim was to evaluate the outcome of anterolateral decompression for thoracolumbar spinal fracture paraplegia .


  13. To measure the effects of Internet-based distractions during class , researchers evaluated   500 students taking an introductory psychology class at Michigan State University .


  14. Dutt says they were not able to evaluate the actual scientific qualifications of the applicants using the data in the files .


  15. Keep a record and evaluate it weekly .


  16. Understanding these reasons will control our own anger if we are willing to evaluate ourselves with a critical eye .


  17. First , you need to evaluate yourself , your values your strengths , your weaknesses , your achievements , your desires , etc .


  18. On every single move you have to analyze a situation , process what your opponent is doing and evaluate the best move from among all your options .


  19. With these main reasons in mind , we can evaluate our level of anger throughout the day and prevent cases of outbursts by comprehending the reasons for our feelings .


  20. People use critical thinking in every area of life to solve problems and evaluate claims .


  21. For each side of the subject , think carefully and evaluate it .


  22. Evaluate your own thinking .


  23. I can 't evaluate his ability without seeing his work .


  24. Don 't evaluate a person on the basis of appearance .


  25. The method gives ways to evaluate collision speed in traffic accident reconstructions .


  26. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration .


  27. Evaluating the system , the traditional method is limning it 's five accuracy index . \\ "


  28. Some additional facts about Boomer may be helpful in evaluating the case . “


  29. The judge will evaluate the worthiness of these claims .


  30. The mystery consumer 's specific identity and purpose is generally not known by the establishment being evaluated .



escape v. 逃跑

e- 向外,离开 + -s- + cap- 帽子,斗篷

event n. 事件

e- 向外,离开 + vent 来

elect v. 选举

e- 向外,离开 + lect 选择

elegant adj. 优雅的

e- 向外,离开 + leg- 选择,收集 + -ant ...的

erupt v. (火山)爆发

e- 向外,离开 + rupt 打破,破裂

evidence n. 根据

e- 向外,离开 + vid 看 + -ence 性质;状态

evident adj. 明显的

e- 向外,离开 + vid 看 + -ent ...的

evolution n. 进化

e- 向外,离开 + volut 卷,转变 + -ion 行为,状态

educate vt. (在学校)教育

e- 向外,离开 + duc 引导 + -ate 做,造成

elaborate adj. 复杂的

e- 向外,离开 + labor n.劳动 + -ate 具有...的

eliminate vt. 排除

e- 向外,离开 + limin 门槛,限制 + -ate 做,造成

emerge v. 浮现

e- 向外,离开 + merg 沉,没 + -e

emit vt. 发出

e- 向外,离开 + mit 送,放出

emotion n. 强烈的感情

e- 向外,离开 + mot 运动,移动 + -ion 行为,状态

enormous adj. 巨大的

e- 向外,离开 + norm 规则 + -ous ...的

erect adj. 垂直的

e- 向外,离开 + rect 直,正

evaporate v. 蒸发

e- 向外,离开 + vapor- 蒸汽 + -ate 做,造成

evolve v. 发展

e- 向外,离开 + volv 卷,转 + -e

evoke vt. 唤起

e- 向外,离开 + vok 呼唤,召唤 + -e

erosion n. 腐蚀

e- 向外,离开 + ros 咬 + -ion 行为,状态

evacuate v. 撤离

e- 向外,离开 + vac 空 + -uate 动词后缀

eloquent adj. 雄辩的

e- 向外,离开 + loqu 讲话,演讲 + -ent ...的

emigrate vi. 移居国外

e- 向外,离开 + migr- 移动,迁移 + -ate 做,造成

evade vt. 逃避

e- 向外,离开 + vad 走 + -e

eminent adj. (尤指在某专业中)卓越的,著名的,显赫的

e- 向外,离开 + min- 伸出,突出 + -ent ...的

elite n. 出类拔萃的人(或物)

e- 向外,离开 + lect 选择

elapse vi. 逝去

e- 向外,离开 + laps 滑走 + -e

edit v. (屏幕)编辑

e- 向外,离开 + dit 给,给予

eligible adj. 有资格的

e- 向外,离开 + lig 选择 + -ible 能...的

eject vt. 驱逐,逐出,排斥

e- 向外,离开 + ject 投掷,扔

erase vt. 擦除

e- 向外,离开 + ras 刮;擦 + -e

elevate vt. 提升

e- 向外,离开 + lev 举,升 + -ate 做,造成


celebrate v. 庆祝

celebr 荣誉 + -ate 做,造成

create vt. 创造

cre 生长 + -ate 做,造成

decorate v. 装饰

decor 装饰,装潢 + -ate 做,造成

hesitate v. 犹豫

hes 粘着 + -it- + -ate 做,造成

investigate v. 侦查(某事)

in- 在内,进入,使 + vestig- 脚印,踪迹 + -ate 做,造成

accelerate v. 加快

ac- 朝,向,去 + celer- 快,速 + -ate 做,造成

calculate vt. 计算

calcul- 计算 + -ate 做,造成

indicate v. 表明

in- 在内,进入,使 + dic 说 + -ate 做,造成

irrigate vt. 灌溉

ir- 在内,进入 + rig- 雨 + -ate 做,造成

liberate vt. 解放

liber n.契据登记簿 + -ate 做,造成

negotiate v. 谈判

neg- 无,不 + oti- 休闲 + -ate 做,造成

participate vi. 参加

parti- 部分,分开 + cip 拿,抓住,获取 + -ate 做,造成

tolerate vt. 容许,允许(不同意或不喜欢的事物)

toler 容忍 + -ate 做,造成

violate vt. 违反

viol- 暴力,力量 + -ate 做,造成

anticipate vt. 预料

anti- 早于,预先 + cip 拿,抓住,获取 + -ate 做,造成

appreciate v. 欣赏

ap- 朝,向 + preci 价格,价值 + -ate 做,造成

approximate v. 近似

ap- 朝,向 + proxim 靠近,接近 + -ate 做,造成

associate v. 联合

as- 朝,向,加强 + soci 同伴,结交,联合 + -ate 做,造成

circulate v. 循环

circ- 弯曲 + -ul- + -ate 做,造成

concentrate v. 集中(注意力)

con- 共同,一起 + centr 中心 + -ate 做,造成

cooperate vi. 合作

co- 共同,一起 + oper- 工作 + -ate 做,造成

cultivate vt. 培养

cult- 耕种 + -iv- + -ate 做,造成

demonstrate v. 证明

de- 完全,加强 + monstr 展示,示范 + -ate 做,造成

dictate v. 命令

dict 说,断言 + -ate 做,造成

educate vt. (在学校)教育

e- 向外,离开 + duc 引导 + -ate 做,造成

eliminate vt. 排除

e- 向外,离开 + limin 门槛,限制 + -ate 做,造成

estimate v. 估计

estim 价值 + -ate 做,造成

evaporate v. 蒸发

e- 向外,离开 + vapor- 蒸汽 + -ate 做,造成

generate vt. 生成

gener 出生 + -ate 做,造成

illustrate vt. 说明

il- 否定 + lustr 明亮的 + -ate 做,造成

imitate vt. 仿效

imit- 相像 + -ate 做,造成

isolate v. (使)隔离

isol- 岛屿 + -ate 做,造成

moderate adj. 适度的

mod 方法,模式 + -er- + -ate 做,造成

motivate vt. 激励

motiv(e) 动机 + -ate 做,造成

radiate v. 辐射

radi 光线,辐射 + -ate 做,造成

regulate v. 规定

reg 规则 + -ul- + -ate 做,造成

rotate v. (使)旋转,(使)转动

rot 旋转 + -ate 做,造成

stimulate vt. 促进

stimul- 刺,刺激 + -ate 做,造成

consolidate v. (使)巩固

con- 共同,一起 + solid adj.固体的 + -ate 做,造成

fabricate vt. 制作

fabric n.布 + -ate 做,造成

dedicate vt. 奉献

de- 离开,向下 + dic 说 + -ate 做,造成

fascinate v. 入迷

fascin- 使着迷 + -ate 做,造成

commemorate vt. (用…)纪念

com- 共同,一起 + memor 记忆 + -ate 做,造成

emigrate vi. 移居国外

e- 向外,离开 + migr- 移动,迁移 + -ate 做,造成

aggravate vt. 加重

ag- 加强 + grav 重,加重 + -ate 做,造成

originate v. 起源

origin n.起源 + -ate 做,造成

alternate n. 候补

alter v.改变性质 + -n- + -ate 做,造成

compensate v. 补偿

com- 共同,一起 + pens 称量,支付 + -ate 做,造成

activate vt. 激活

active 活跃的 + -ate 做,造成

migrate v. (随季节变化)迁徙

migr- 移动,迁移 + -ate 做,造成

assimilate v. (使)同化

as- 朝,向,加强 + simil- 类似,一样 + -ate 做,造成

differentiate v. 区分

different 不同的 + -i- + -ate 做,造成

humiliate vt. 羞辱

hum 土,地 + -ate 做,造成

speculate v. 推测

specul 看 + -ate 做,造成

formulate vt. 制定

formul(a) 公式 + -ate 做,造成

illuminate vt. 照明

il- 使...,进入 + lumin 光 + -ate 做,造成

simulate vt. (用计算机或模型等)模拟

stimul- 刺,刺激 + -ate 做,造成

deviate vi. 背离

de- 离开,向下 + vi 道路 + -ate 做,造成

frustrate vt. 使懊丧

frustr- 欺骗,失望 + -ate 做,造成

fluctuate vi. (大小、数量、质量等)波动

fluctu 波浪,流动 + -ate 做,造成

contaminate vt. 污染,弄脏

contamin- 污染 + -ate 做,造成

segregate v. (使)隔食

se- 分开 + greg 群体 + -ate 做,造成

collaborate vi. 合作

col- 共同,一起 + labor n.劳动 + -ate 做,造成

incorporate vt. 合并

in- 在内,进入,使 + corpor 身体,团体 + -ate 做,造成

deteriorate vi. 变坏

deterior 更坏 + -ate 做,造成

dominate v. 支配

domin 统治,专制 + -ate 做,造成

integrate v. 整合

integr 完整 + -ate 做,造成

designate vt. 命名

design n.(建筑、服装等的)设计方案 + -ate 做,造成

manipulate vt. 操纵

mani 手 + pul 一捆 + -ate 做,造成

agitate v. 摇动(液体等)

ag- 加强 + -it- + -ate 做,造成

advocate vt. 拥护

ad- 加强 + voc 叫喊,声音 + -ate 做,造成

renovate vt. 修复

re- 重新 + nov- 新的 + -ate 做,造成

saturate vt. 使湿透

satur- 足够,饱足 + -ate 做,造成

nominate v. 提名

nomin 名称 + -ate 做,造成

insulate vt. 使隔热

insul 岛屿 + -ate 做,造成

terminate v. 终止

termin 界限 + -ate 做,造成

discriminate v. 区分,辨别

dis- 分开,分离 + crimin 分开 + -ate 做,造成

elevate vt. 提升

e- 向外,离开 + lev 举,升 + -ate 做,造成

facilitate vt. 促进

facil(e) 容易的 + -it- + -ate 做,造成

donate vt. 捐赠

don 给予 + -ate 做,造成

subordinate n. 下属

sub- 次一等 + ordin 命令 + -ate 做,造成

assassinate vt. 暗杀

assassin n.暗杀者 + -ate 做,造成

contemplate v. 沉思

con- 共同,一起 + templ 庙 + -ate 做,造成

irritate vt. 刺激(皮肤或身体部位)

ir- 在内,进入 + rit 擦,摩擦 + -ate 做,造成