early Pleistocene

美 [ˈɜːrli ˈplaɪstəˌsin]英 [ˈɜːli ˈpliːstəʊsiːn]
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early Pleistoceneearly Pleistocene
  1. Discovery of early Pleistocene strata containing plants fossils in the source area of the Yellow River and significance


  2. Preliminary study on nonglacial varved sediments of early Pleistocene lake in Qaidam Basin


  3. The third fold developed between late Early Pleistocene and early Middle Pleistocene .


  4. Bone artifacts from the early Pleistocene of nihewan , Hebei Province


  5. Environmental events and catastrophes from the end of early pleistocene to the early stage of middle pleistocene


  6. Research on Millennial Scale Climate Change Period Recorded in North Atlantic Deep-sea Sediments in Early Pleistocene ;


  7. A study on distinguishing early Pleistocene spore-pollen zones of Linxia Basin by Fisher best division


  8. Their tectonic framework was basically underlain in early Pleistocene or late Pliocene .


  9. Major temperature decrease in the Western Pacific during late Pliocene to early Pleistocene and its paleoclimatic implications


  10. Two Cold Humid Climatic Events Recorded in the Early Pleistocene Lacustrine Deposits of the Linxia Basin


  11. The discovery of the ice wedge casts of early Pleistocene in Zhoukoudian and its significance


  12. A new genus of early Pleistocene Galliformes in the lower reaches of the Fenhe River , Shanxi , China


  13. Fossil mammals from the early Pleistocene of yongren , yunnan


  14. The newest movable of east-west rupture begins the early Pleistocene and Pliocene ;


  15. The late Period of the compressional-uplifting stage ( from the late period of the Early Pleistocene to the present ) .


  16. The stage of strongly compressing uplift and subsidence of neotectonic activities from late Pliocene to early Pleistocene ;


  17. The Kunlun-Yellow River Tectonic Movement is an intense tectonic movement at the turn from Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene .


  18. Stage 3 , early Pleistocene , anticlockwise rotation of Luzon arc and continent-arc collision .


  19. It is shown that the uplift of the middle Taihang Mountains occurred mainly between the end of Pliocene and Early Pleistocene .


  20. SEDIMENTATION IN THE MIDDLE SOUTH CHINA SEA SINCE EARLY PLEISTOCENE Sequence III that is early Pleistocene sediments also only distributes in the trough basin .


  21. The Middle Period of the strike slip-extensional stage ( from the latest of Late Miocene to the late of Early Pleistocene );


  22. Fourth layer caves of same level as fourth step proluvia-alluvial terrace form at least in Early Pleistocene Epoch or before then .


  23. The monsoon strength is weaker during the Early Pleistocene and displays high frequency , low amplitude changes with 20 - 40 kyr cycles .


  24. The XSF was intensely active from late stage of Early Pleistocene to middle stage of medio Pleistocene and became weaker later .


  25. , the climate circulations since late early Pleistocene shown by the records of deep-sea oxygen isotope of the Pacific Ocean are also reflected in Guizhou .


  26. The effect of the 2nd-order annealing kinetics on ESR dating of ancient ( early Pleistocene ) fossil tooth enamel samples should be further studied .


  27. By analyses of the four local mammalian faunas from Zhoukoudian , the Early Pleistocene climatic and ecological environmental changes are briefly dealt with in this paper .


  28. Data of recovered river offsets showed that the middle and north of southern segment along the fault , since the early Pleistocene , northern and south segment gradually decreases .


  29. Both of the faults are active in Quaternary , but the strong active period of Babaoshan fault was mainly in the Early Pleistocene and activity became very weak later .


  30. During the last Pliocene - early Pleistocene ( 2.5-2.8Ma ) the whole Okinawa Trough started extension and opening as the northern Taiwan mountain belt collapsed .
