
  • 网络人族
  1. Analysis of an ancient thigh bone suggests that a species of early hominin may have survived as late as 14000 years ago in southwest China .


  2. We weren 't the first or last to suggest that a pre-erectus African hominin migrated to east Asia .


  3. On its own , a simple finger bone in a cave would have been assumed to belong to a human , Neandertal or other hominin .


  4. In two papers published this week in the open-access journal eLife , the researchers said that the more than 1550 fossil elements documenting the discovery constituted the largest sample for any hominin species in a single African site , and one of the largest anywhere in the world .


  5. Tracy Kivell of the University of Kent , in England , an associate of Dr. Berger 's team , was struck by H. naledi 's " extremely curved fingers , more curved than almost any other species of early hominin , which clearly demonstrates climbing capabilities . "
