- n.德朗

There was significant difference in intelligence development between the urban and rural chil - dren .
The significance of standardized skill training of chil dren Volleyball Players
Besides , such problems as inner language , language and thought of chil - dren 's and of the deaf-mutes are also discussed .
It was demonstrated that dysarthria was the main language problem in chil - dren with cerebral palsy and early assessment as well as early treatment was quite important .
Randomized controlled trial of intrapleural streptokinase in empyema thoracis in chil - dren
This study investigated the microbial flora of anterior nares and skin of forehead and forearm of 31 healthy adults and 24 chil - dren by using qualitative methods .
Twenty-one of 59 chil - dren with febrile convulsion ( 35.6 % ) had repeated attacks with lower level of serum sodium than the first attack ( P < 0.01 ) .
METHODS A total of 268 chil - dren ( 432 sides ) were included in this study . There were 186 males and 82 females with the age of 3 to 17 years old ( average 14.3 years old ) .
Since meningococcus group A continues to be the predominant pathogen in our country , the above-mentioned study provides strong support for the adminis - tration of specific immunoglobulin to chil - dren with meningococcal meningitis .