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  1. To help , Dignitas provides professional development training to teachers and school administrators .


  2. Lillian Etemesi , Deputy Head Teacher at the MCO Joy primary school , says Dignitas gave her teaching skills she never learned in college .


  3. Tiffany Cheng Nyaggah , one of the founders of Dignitas , first came to Kenya in 2007 as a Harvard University researcher .


  4. She decided to start Dignitas after women in Mathare told her how important their children 's education was to them - and she learned how untrained the teachers were .


  5. More than 18000 children attend one of the 75 schools in Nairobi 's Mathare Valley slum - operating without government support , trained teachers , or funding - according to an organization called Dignitas Project .


  6. Under British law , assisting a suicide is punishable by up to 14 years in prison . But courts have become reluctant in recent years to convict people . No relative or friend of any of the Britons who have died in Dignitas clinics has been prosecuted .
