- n.诈欺者,骗子

On the right is my super duper crazy madly hot spicy pot while on the left is my piano teacher 's healthy nutritious pot .
Well then it 's time to put down that " Learn Super Duper Language v8.3 in 24 hours " book . Instead , make it a habit to ask yourself these 10 questions every day .
But please remember this : the value you gain in trading right now rather than in the 60 seconds it would take you to skim the story pales in comparison to the value we can gain in goosing a headline to make it look super duper important .
Puffer jackets : It doesn 't matter if you are an athlete or just an attendee , you are behind the curve if you are not in Sochi with a super duper lightweight puffer jacket , which is the outerwear of choice here in both the coastal cluster and the mountain region .