Arthur C Clarke is the doyen of science-fiction writers .
For CEIBS in Shanghai , the doyen of Western-style management education in China , the market seems to be growing , with 630 students on the CEIBS EMBA programme this year and 780 next .
Even Harvard Business School , the doyen of the industry , now teaches programmes in China and India .
Technique will always after the thoughts , in the field of subjective consciousness dominion , doyens unsharp .
China doyen professional golfer Mr. Zhang Lian wei will host a junior clinic and giving signature in the tournament .
Like others of my age , I still think of Stuart Hibberd as the doyen of radio newsreaders .
Obituary ; Robert Byrd Robert C. Byrd , doyen of the United States Senate , died on June 28th , aged 92
Russell Reynolds , the doyen of American headhunters , says directors will have to be both more knowledgeable and more selfless .
It first took those doyens of nineteenth-and twentieth-century science fiction , Jules Verne and H.G.Wells , to show us just how driven their imagined scientists could be .
Robert Mundell , the doyen of the theory of currency areas , has explained the correct modern generalisation " cheap money drives out dear , if they exchange for the same price " .
Robert Lucas , doyen of modern macroeconomic theory , decried critics for their ignorance , and ex plain ed that the economic consequences of unpredicted events were unpredictable .
Joseph Nye , a Harvard professor and doyen of US foreign policy analysts , regards talk of American decline as an intellectual fad – comparable to earlier paranoia about the US being overtaken by Japan .
Stan Shih , doyen of Taiwan 's tech industry and founder of the island 's largest computer company Acer , also recently warned that Taiwan has to make sure the manufacturers it lures back produce high-value products .
In the early new century , there have appeared three styles in essay writing : one is the formal_and_traditional essay , written in a traditional way , mostly by doyen essayists , sometimes by famous writers and press editors ;
Xiaomi is now the world 's top-selling maker of wearables such as fitness bands , with its 13.4 per cent market share putting it a whisker above Apple and Fitbit , the latter the one-time doyen of the sector .