
  • n.持不同意见;意见不同,政见不同,异议


disagreement;especially disagreement with the government


  1. The Process Structure of the Law Suit with Carrying-out Dissidence


  2. The Research of Insufficiency and Consummation of Dissidence Registration


  3. If dissidence happens , we 'll solve it by consulting .


  4. The Dissidence to the Technology of Clone and the Character of Toleration from the Traditional Ethic


  5. Towards the end of the dynasty there was significant internal dissidence resulting in a split into Eastern and Western Wei .


  6. Second , we should build up the redress execution on process which contains the execution dissidence and reconsideration .


  7. Several questions on censoring the jurisdiction dissidence


  8. Different from immovable property registration and dissidence registration , preliminary registration have qualities such as subordination and provision .


  9. More important , thanks to a tradition of artistic and literary dissidence , culture can-and should-challenge power .


  10. Dissidence registration either is a system of removing the public credibility registration or a regulation of cautioning the risks to the third person .


  11. Unfortunately , there 's a strong Chinese view nowadays that critical thinking and dissidence create problems , so everyone should just keep quiet and maintain harmony .


  12. In addition to this , the relationship between conscience and committed compliance is a controversial topic for a long time , dissidence in each school .


  13. The interested party may apply for dissidence registration , in case the holder recorded in the realty register does not agree to the alteration .


  14. In case the dissidence registration is improper and bring into damages to the right holder , the holder may require the applicant to compensate for damages .


  15. This article tries to process discuss questions followed below , such as censoring the necessity in jurisdiction dissidence , verbalism debate during the censoring and its form .


  16. The debate on the theory and practice of the rule of excluding the criminal illegal evidence in two legal systems has been lasting more than a century . But there is no dissidence to its value .


  17. Then the implementation of the outsider raises objection v. System in-depth study and put forward practical proposals to build a scientific and rational manner the implementation of our lawsuit about outsiders ' dissidence to civil execution system .


  18. In order to strengthen multi-city water quality management and to provide legal support for dealing with water pollution dissidence between upriver and downriver district , it was necessary to draw the multi-city river water quality protection ordinance of Guang - dong province .


  19. He who falls today may rise tomorrow . Where the registration organ grants the dissidence registration but the applicant fails to lodge an action within 15 days as of the date of dissidence registration , the dissidence registration shall lose its effect .


  20. The registration of caution regime which primarily protects the transaction security and order is origin from dissidence registration system in the early Prussian law . The registration of caution regime is different from pre-registration of contracts in legal nature , which is credit with property nature .
