- adv.见利忘义地;不顾他人地

ADV-GRADED 不顾他人地;见利忘义地
If you say that someone is cynically doing something, you mean they are doing it to benefit themselves and they do not care that they are deceiving, harming, or using people.He accused the mainstream political parties of cynically exploiting this situation.
They cynically tried to trade off a reduction in the slaughter of dolphins against a resumption of commercial whaling
He accused the mainstream political parties of cynically exploiting this situation .
The government is cynically running down Swe-den 's welfare system
I firmly believe our strategy is being deliberately , cynically manipulated .
Cynically optimistic person is somebody who acknowledges the fact that humanity is crap but also believes in its capacity to do good .
Example : If you 're that person who wants to cut the next jerk who cuts you in line , but also has genuine faith in humanity , you 're cynically optimistic .
Some scepticism is needed to stop companies themselves behaving cynically .
" Holding down the receiver ," said Daisy cynically .
The idea is cynically simple : night can become day and white become black if only you say so often enough .
Still more people suggested that the PM was cynically playing up his generosity for the cameras .
Or , more cynically , it will stop people claiming that any infringement was accidental .
Some women who answered the questions were found to be cynically hostile , or highly untrusting of others .
It is often cynically said that there are no atheists in foxholes .
Among hedge funds , disaster myopia is more cynically entrenched by a poor alignment of interests between managers and their investors .
When I say this to new clients , they look at me cynically , as if I 've promised them a unicorn .
Every little moment will be sensationalized , scrutinized , cynically observed in a way they haven 't experienced before , not even last season .
Even though his analysis was logical and coherent , he tended to look at human beings too darkly , cynically , and demandingly .
Snorted Wu sun-fu cynically , as he shrugged his shoulders and walked off .
Some women who answered the questions were found to be smically cynically hostile , or highly untrusting about of others .
This is done by creating a one-way bet for private-sector bidders for the toxic assets , then cynically calling it " private sector price discovery " .
Russia is a permanent member of the UN Security Council and can use its veto to outmanoeuvre the international community , as it has cynically shown on Syria .
For him destitute refugees at that time mostly from sub-Saharan Africa were a card he cynically bargained with , warning in 2009 , for example , that he could turn Europe black .
Over the past five years it cynically laid the groundwork for this pretence , by illegally distributing passports in South Ossetia and Abkhazia , " manufacturing " Russian citizens to protect .
For him destitute refugees - at that time mostly from sub-Saharan Africa - were a card he cynically bargained with , warning in 2009 , for example , that he could turn Europe " black . "
The heart of the problem is a lack of trust , made worse by what Russia sees as NATO 's cynically broad interpretation of the UN Security Council resolution on Libya & a " betrayal ", say some Russians .
Some specialists have argued that for most of human history , doctors did more harm than good to their patients : whether acting cynically as snake-oil salesmen of patented cures or out of well-intended but often misguided intuition and limited understanding .
People cynically sum up their country 's story of private success and public failure with the phrase : " India grows at night while the government sleeps . " The country 's recent economic slowdown suggests it may have reached the limits of its ability to grow in the dark .