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  • abbr.councillor 顾问;参赞
  1. The urban economical structure is a basic problem of the urban economy in our coun - try .


  2. A Study on Mortality of Children Under 5 Years Old in Seven UNICEF Project Coun - ties


  3. Calibration of daybreak thick source alpha coun - ter and preliminary study of influencing factors


  4. Invented first by German scholars , the concept of administrative criminal law has different meanings in different coun - tries .


  5. The SED has worked : both coun - tries have agreed on food safety co-operation .


  6. The average RT and the coun of hit targer stimuli are shown automatically .


  7. In order to solve the environmental problems and ensure national energy security , many coun - tries have been developing alternative energy sources and clean energy sources .


  8. Many tourists visit the coun ­ try just to see the bright colored flower and the astonishing view over the bulb fields .


  9. The status , proble - ms and future development of oceanographic observation technique in our coun - try are overviewed in this paper .


  10. I dont believe theres a better pair of horses in the coun - try , said John , but theyre not alike .


  11. By means of the Marxist principle linking the history , Present condition of geological economic science of our coun - try , a systematical discussion on this problem is presented here .


  12. This article introduces the certification causes for the petroleum corporations in the developed coun tries to gain the ISO 14001 certificate and how these corporations gain the certificate .


  13. Still Franz and the coun were compelled to advance in a stooping posture , and were scarcely able to proceed abreast of one another .


  14. The Qing government carried out a trading policy imposed on it by more powerful coun ˉ tries , and was influenced as well by the lopsided development of its home economy .


  15. Since 1949 , over 3000 varieties of wheat have been introduced from more than 50 coun - tries . Over 10 of them produced marked effectiveness after direct or indirect using .


  16. It raises the question whether or not China , a coun - try with limited land and energy resources can afford to proceed in the present-day . the bigger-the better planning mentality .


  17. With the occurrence of bankruptcy of HIH , financial scandals of AIG and so on , some foreign coun - tries took many measures to enhance the supervision of finite risk reinsurance .


  18. Method The related indexes of endemic fluorosis were investigated in Guangrao coun cy , Boxing county , Jiaxiang county and Gaomi county Shandong province , by using sampling method of epidemiology .


  19. This paper analyzed the reasons that causes difficult alternative , consistent character of gold mineral resources in our coun - try , or poisonous elements in the ores , or the contrast between economic results and environment - protection results .


  20. In this article , the author discusses both the positive and negative aspects of the network and its impact on the construction of socialist morality and ethnic , and also suggests some measures to coun tes act the negative impact .


  21. The rates of HBV DNA negative conversion ( 85.6 % ) and HBeAg / anti HBe conversion in the combination therapy group were significantly higher than those in lamivudine treated group , which coun last for 48 weeks .


  22. Based on the characteristics of city railway communication and the reality of the development of this industry in our coun - try , this paper raises the countermeasures in seven aspects to enforce the safety management of railway commu - nication in the present period .


  23. In this paper , it bases on the experience of household energy conservation in foreign coun - tries according to the real situation of China , and proposes the policy recommendations on household energy conservation , including establishing marketing mechanism , using economic leverage and so on .


  24. Although China 's outward appearance design legislation was revised in 2000 , the revised outward appearance design legislation , on the whole , has met the minimum requirement of TRIPS agreement but has many shortcomings when comparing with the related regulations of advanced coun - tries .


  25. Abstract ln order to achieve the resource sharing for computer-aided terminology , in recent years the progress of interchange format of terminological record is very rapid in foreign coun - tries . The author describes the related progress , and tells his own thought in this aspect .
