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  • 网络樟宜;机场;樟宜机场
  1. The criticism of the planning and design of Singapore Changi International Airport


  2. Changi , however , is not the only Asian airport to excel .


  3. 6A neat row of palms line the avenue leading to the Changi airport .


  4. 2 take home orchid gift boxes and bouquets , or lovely plants from the Changi Airport florists .


  5. IMD teamed up with management consultant BCG to deliver a customised executive education programme to Singapore 's Changi airport , for instance .


  6. Baggage arrival is not always like Changi Airport , the MRT may not be the same and so are the buses and taxis .


  7. More silverware should soon be on the way , as Changi prepares to open in January a third , state-of-the-art terminal , as well as to upgrade the original terminal .


  8. One hot day in mid-July , the airplane from Beijing having touched down at Changi Airport , I started my tour of Singapore , a land I had longed to visit .


  9. It 's basically outlawed at Changi Airport and officials encourage tourists not to add to the l0 % service charge that many high-end hotels tack on to the bill .


  10. Singapore 's Changi Village is called the " mistress village " by many people as married men see it as a perfect love nest to hide their mistresses in rented houses , local media reported .


  11. Hong Kong recently opened a golf course within walking distance of the airport , while anybody facing a five-hour wait in Changi might consider one of the free guided tours of the city-state that have long been on offer .
