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  • n.蹭沙发(指在一段时间内去不同的人家免费寄宿)
  1. In China , the culture of couchsurfing is growing as more young people seek adventure on a shoestring2 .


  2. The couchsurfing website was launched in the United States in 2004 . It now has over six million members from more than 100000 cities .


  3. Couchsurfing refers to the practice of moving from one friend 's house to another , sleeping in whatever spare space is available , floor or couch , generally staying a few days before moving on to the next house .


  4. I attended CouchSurfing language exchange meetings , where I met tons of new people .


  5. I maintain couchsurfing and crowdsurfing are basically the same thing .


  6. and we found out that our couchsurfing host for the night was an 18-year-old girl , still living at home ,


  7. And I love this kind of random closeness , which is lucky , because I do a lot of couchsurfing .


  8. Action shot of me with three of my good friends during a CouchSurfing excursion to the Lantern Festival in Pingxi .


  9. Sessions are organized on couchsurfing . com , where members post profiles about themselves and whom they seek to accommodate or stay with .


  10. There are a number of websites to help pave the way , and you can offer couchsurfing opportunities in your dormitory as you travel and meet people on the way .


  11. A minority of horror stories of dodgy Airbnb and Couchsurfing hosts can see women flocking to the nearest female-only floor in a hotel .


  12. There were a handful of services that made the trip possible : Facebook , Craigslist , Ridejoy ( a ridesharing service ) , and CouchSurfing .


  13. Rule 's trip across the country continued like that-completely unplanned , made possible entirely by the kindness of strangers , including an entire CouchSurfing community in Missoula , Montana called Orange Acres .


  14. Some 120000 cities worldwide offer weekly Couchsurfing art gallery tours , hikes , dinners or gatherings in coffee shops and bars . ( Becoming a member of the site is free . )
