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conspiracy theory

美 [kənˈspɪrəsi θiːəri]英 [kənˈspɪrəsi θɪəri]
  • n.阴谋论

复数: conspiracy theories

conspiracy theoryconspiracy theory

conspiracy theory


  • 1
    N-COUNT 阴谋论
    A conspiracy theory is a belief that a group of people are secretly trying to harm someone or achieve something. You usually use this term to suggest that you think this is unlikely.

    Did you ever swallow the conspiracy theory about Kennedy?


  1. Did you ever swallow the conspiracy theory about Kennedy ?


  2. It 's easy to come up with a conspiracy theory .


  3. If you 've got your own conspiracy theory , let us know .


  4. Analysis of the Cause of Project Bid-rigging Based on Conspiracy Theory


  5. Only one or two families genuinely believe the conspiracy theory .


  6. Is to author a conspiracy theory without background .


  7. It would be called conspiracy theory !


  8. Creating a conspiracy theory is pretty easy .


  9. Conspiracy Theory , Philosophy of science , Falsifiability , Society .


  10. But conspiracy theory is one thing , and documented proof is a whole different beast .


  11. Establishment people - those in the know - rolled their eyes at this " conspiracy theory " .


  12. Yeah . And there 's a conspiracy theory on that in here , too .


  13. A conspiracy theory to debunk a conspiracy theory ?


  14. The reckless thinker takes a few pieces of information and leaps to some faraway conspiracy theory .


  15. Conspiracy theory notwithstanding , claims that the reserve status of the dollar unfairly benefits the US are no longer true .


  16. I 'd call this a crazy conspiracy theory , but doing so would actually be unfair to crazy conspiracy theorists .


  17. They repeat a lot of things that you can see in conspiracy theory websites in the United States that it was contrived-there were actors involved ,


  18. Instead ... talk about your ex. Or irritable bowel syndrome . Or the reptilian humanoid conspiracy theory .


  19. Most accident can be explained by cock - up rather than conspiracy theory The car 's been knocked about a bit , but it still goes .


  20. This is the enchanting thing about art : the expectations of the " sleepers ", and the great and just " conspiracy theory " .


  21. It is time , he said , to lay to rest the " ridiculous " conspiracy theory that al-Megrahi is not dying of prostate cancer .


  22. We have heard time and again that global investors collude as they have an interest to prevent such an outcome , but this is a silly conspiracy theory .


  23. Several voters at this rally said they believe Democrats manipulated the unemployment numbers , a provably false conspiracy theory that Romney did not touch .


  24. But a paucity of new information about the threats since then has created a vacuum online that China 's social media users have filled with a mixture of complaint and conspiracy theory .


  25. In what seems to be more of a conspiracy theory than a prediction , it was recently discovered that Princess Diana predicted her demise months before it actually happened .


  26. Until a forensic analysis or some other concrete evidence proves otherwise that conspiracy theory doesn 't hold up for me & especially after hearing the final album versions on very good speakers .


  27. Huffpo has been a major channel for spreading the proven-false idea that vaccines cause autism ( a notion that , at this point , is tantamount to a lunatic conspiracy theory ) .


  28. The poisoning plot was no conspiracy theory - outlets as respectable as The New York Times called it " the most gigantic and startling crime of the age , " while future Secretary of State William Seward insisted that physicians called it a poisoning .


  29. Ironically , this is exactly what Washington should be doing . Conspiracy theory notwithstanding , claims that the reserve status of the dollar unfairly benefits the US are no longer true . On the contrary , it has become a burden , both for America and the world .
