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  • 网络通信;接控制器通讯口
  1. A light receiver module for long-wavelength optical fiber commu - nication systems is reported .


  2. A new efficient method based on statistical pattern recognition theory to recognition digital modulation types of commu - nication signals is proposed .


  3. Translation is a kind of intercultural commu ni cation , which builds a bridge between the source language and target language .


  4. In the paper we analyse and compare the signal detection methods of submarine laser commu - nication ( SLC ) .


  5. Satellite communications of third-generation mobile commu - nications has come to be the item on daily agenda .


  6. Warfare is the highest level of violent communicational form , as well as a way of human commu - nication and promoting the progress of human society .


  7. Taking PLAN-5000 network application system of the Commu - nication Department of Jianxi province as an example , this paper introduces install design and configuration of the network in detail .


  8. AN is a low level high performance commu - nication library for COC , AN supports Ethernet , InfiniBand and FC , applications written in AN could run without re - compilation in these network environments .


  9. This paper analyzes security of the SSL , designs a reformative SSL security protocol based on the security mobile system , make use of SSL VPN correspondence tunnel to realize the security mobile communication between the mobile terminals and commu - nication gateway .


  10. Based on the characteristics of city railway communication and the reality of the development of this industry in our coun - try , this paper raises the countermeasures in seven aspects to enforce the safety management of railway commu - nication in the present period .


  11. By setting special relay nodes , the commu - nication opportunities between the terminal nodes and the management center are increased , and moreover the overall administrative overhead can be reduced . Hence , we can use the digital certificate-based scheme to ad-dress security issues in delay tolerant networks .
