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  • abbr.红外线;成像报告—开发系统
  1. VPg is served as the primer of duplication . One of researching focus is the study on Poly ( C ) and IRES in 5 ′ - UTR .


  2. Hepatitis C Virus IRES Gene Cloning by T Vector and Sequencing


  3. Research on Structure and Function of DHV-1 Internal Ribosome Entry Site ( IRES ) Elements


  4. Structural modeling of HCV IRES specific inhibitor RNA and its inhibitory effect on viral translation in vitro


  5. Poly ( C ) may be relative with virulence and IRES plays important role in initiation of translation .


  6. Quantitive analysis of the inhibition of HCV IRES mediated HCV core protein expression in cells by inhibitor RNA


  7. A novel approach by combining Internet topology generation and routing protocol implementation is proposed , and the architecture of IRES is presented .


  8. The basic and secondary structure of the sequence between poly ( C ) and IRES regions in foot-and-mouth disease virus genome


  9. Bicistronic expression vectors , containing internal ribosomal entry sites ( IRES ), can simultaneously express two different antigens .


  10. The Basic and Secondary Structures of IRES in Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Strain China / 99 and Alignment with That of Reference Strains


  11. Internal ribosome entry site ( IRES ) is crucial for hepatitis C virus ( HCV ) expression and replication .


  12. This demonstrated that polycistronic retroviral vector containing IRES could efficiently express multiple therapeutic genes in the same target cell .


  13. Conclusions The wild Russula virescens from Yunnan Ires distinct effects on regulation of blood lipid and antioxidation .


  14. Advances on IRES Element of Picornavirus mRNA


  15. Our purpose is to take IRES as the target site , utilize RNAi and Dz activity for the treatment of HCV infected disease .


  16. Aim To study the inhibitory activity of IRES specific inhibitory RNA ( IRNA ) on HCV IRES mediated protein translation in vitro .


  17. Construction of retroviral vector carrying the IRES linked tumor necrosis factor alpha and interferon beta cDNAs under the control of HLA-B7 inducible promoter


  18. Today the gene therapeutic methods aiming for HCV IRES include oligonucleotide strategy ( antisense and ribozyme methods ) and IRES specific inhibitor RNA ( IRNA ) methods .


  19. Methods Recombinant adenovirus was used as vector , TNF - α and IFN - β were connected through IRES and HLA-B7 promoter was selected to control their expression .


  20. We also study the influence factors on the function of IRES , such as IFN , alcohol , PTB , La antigen , and HCV non-structure protein et al .


  21. In order to test the influence of these mutations on IRES function , we transfected these mutants into BHK-21 cells , and observed the expression of downstream report gene in vivo .


  22. Now , different approaches , such as internal ribosomal entry site ( IRES ) elements , bidirectional or double promoters , or coinfection with multiple viral vectors are commonly used .


  23. Objective : To construct a recombinant adenovirus vector which express mouse TGF β 1 and PLP Ig independently ligated by internal ribosome entry sites ( IRES ) sequence .


  24. This paper discusses some researches on the application of wavelet analysis in diagnosing several fault types of infrared earth sensors ( IRES ), gyros and jet engines of GNC subsystem in manned spaceship .


  25. On top of these studies , the authors now show that the variants map to known RNA functional elements , such as internal ribosome entry sites ( IREs ) and upstream ORFs .


  26. In this study , we assemble a positive feedback loop for the production of T7 RNA polymerase using basic molecular elements , including CMV promoter , T7 promoter and the internal ribosomal entry site ( IRES ) .


  27. The internal ribosome entry site ( IRES ) sequence was derived from encephalomyocarditis virus . It allows to translate two open reading frames at one mRNA , so two genes conjoined by IRES have the same expression rate .


  28. Methods : with bovine β - casein promotor , a fusion gene both S and M and co-expressive nucleic vaccine plasmid were constructed which two genes were conjoined by the internal ribosome entry site ( IRES ) .


  29. Aim : In order to increase major histocompatibility complex class I molecule expression on the tumor cells and prime an efficient antitumor immunity , A retroviral Vector containing the IRES linked HuTNF α and IFN β genes under the control of human HLA-B7 inducible promoter was constructed .
