
  • n.小路;旁路;分路;(学科的)次要(或晦涩)分支,细节

复数: bypaths



a side road little traveled (as in the countryside)
Synonym: byway byroad


  1. Calculation of thermodynamic properties of polymer solutions bypath integral method


  2. Development of SF-501 Transceiver Specially Used for Bypath HF Protection


  3. Joined treatment of bypath and disconnection for hepatocirrhosis with portal hypertension bleeding


  4. The development of SF-501 transceiver specially used for bypath HF protection and its feature are described in this paper .


  5. A comparison of head-chest lead and routine wilson 's lead in localization of right dominant bypath by ECG on body surface


  6. Methods : To study the hemorheology by adrenaline and ice-water stimulant and to observe thrombosis by the carotid and jugular bypath .


  7. Conclusion By mastering a good indication , developing joined treatment of bypath and disconnection in some degree have complementary advantages which are an ideal treatment for portal hypertension bleeding .


  8. Erk1 / 2 phosphorylation plays an important role in this procedure . MAPK pathway may be a possible bypath activation of androgen receptor in androgen-independent prostate cancer .


  9. Objective To analyze the advantage and disadvantage of bypath and disconnection , research on the complementary advantages of joined treatment of bypath and disconnection , and the clinical application of treating portal hypertension bleeding .


  10. When they came to the fork of the road , his horse turned left into a bypath as if it were possessed with a demon and began to run headlong down the hill .


  11. The steam-water system of supercritical generating unit is a multivariable multi-input and multi-out complex system , this thesis establishes the mathematical model of the systems of boiler , steam turbine and bypath to insure the validity of the simulation .


  12. At the later period of the Three Kingdoms , Deng Ai made great achievements of Huai River is regarded as laying the material base for wiping out Wu , entering Shu by bypath would rather be the crux of unification of China .


  13. Method Four patients suffering from portal hypertension bleeding were treated by joined method of splenectomy , spleno-renal bypath and disconnection of cardiac venous shunt from 2001 to 2005.Results Four cases of free portal vein blood pressure is reduced by an average of 0.89 kPa comparing with that before operation .
